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Posts posted by Lucas32

  1. Hello there,

    As a Linux beginner, I find it challenging to comprehend the functioning of overlays and similar concepts. I would greatly appreciate a detailed explanation of how to configure the system to recognize specific hardware, such as the HiFiBerry DAC.

    I have attempted various approaches, including editing the "/boot/config.txt" file based on the guidance provided in the Raspberry Pi article. However, when I execute the "aplay -l" command, it still displays "rkhdmidpsound" instead of the desired configuration.

    Additionally, I have noticed that in my environment, only the "hifiberry-dacplus" overlay is available in the "/boot/overlays" directory, and other overlays like "hifiberry-dac" are nowhere to be found. Is it necessary to install additional components or packages to access these missing overlays?

  2. Hello there,

    I am currently facing a similar issue where I am connecting the IMX219 camera (3840x2160 resolution) to a Tinker Board 2S. However, when using the "v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext" command, I only observe resolutions limited to 1920x1080 being displayed.

    On the other hand, when I utilize the "media-ctl -p" command, it appears that the board correctly recognizes the IMX219 camera. The output reveals the media device information, device topology, and entities involved in the media pipeline.

    I sincerely appreciate any assistance you can provide to resolve this matter.


    Devid Lucas

  3. Hello there,

    For my situation, I developed a launcher application using AndroidStudio and replaced it with the existing one. To initiate the target application upon startup, I utilized the following code within the onPostCreate() method:

    javaCopy code
    private void launchApp() { String packageName = "com.mycompany.title"; String className = "com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity"; Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setClassName(packageName, className); startActivity(intent); }

    This code snippet ensures that the desired application, identified by the specified package name and class name, is called and launched appropriately.


    Devid Lucas 

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