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Posts posted by lloydhussell

  1. I have been using a 1080p 120hz touch screen with the Asus Tinkerboard 2 and it works wonderfully so far. 

    I am speaking with a customer capacitive touch screen manufacturer now and I am going to be getting a 240hz capacitive touch screen at 1440p. Do we know if the board will support this? 

  2. Is the aicore something you could look into adding for the tinker 3n? 
    I see the 3n is already in production. Will this aicore be added to any future boards? 

  3. Yes, sorry. I made this and then figured it out right after but couldn't delete the post because it hadn't been approved by a mod yet.

    However, I couldn't actually see any instruction for this in the tinkerboard guides. Could you point me to where it is, so I can use it as a reference for others in the future as well. Or if its not there, can it be added please.

  4. As you can see from the logs below, I used cat for the cards in proc/asound. First without the mic attached, second with the mic attached at runtime, and third with the mic attached at boot. 
    you can see that for some strange reason, the order is broken and 0(which I suspect is the mic array) is not shown. All help is greatly appreciated. 


    127|Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ cat cards
     0 [hdmisound      ]: hdmi-sound - hdmi-sound
     1 [rockchipcdndpso]: rockchip-cdndp- - rockchip-cdndp-sound
    Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ aplay -l
    /system/bin/sh: aplay: inaccessible or not found
    127|Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ cat cards                                                                                                                                                                                                             
     0 [hdmisound      ]: hdmi-sound - hdmi-sound
     1 [rockchipcdndpso]: rockchip-cdndp- - rockchip-cdndp-sound
     2 [ArrayUAC10     ]: USB-Audio - ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array (UAC1.0)
                          SEEED ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array (UAC1.0) at usb-xhci-hcd.1.auto-1.1, full speed
    Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ %                                                                                                                                                                                                                          lloydhussell@MAC-Y6XGW6XJ0H Dukebox-Android % adb shell
    Tinker_Board_2:/ $ cd proc/asound/                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ cat cards
     1 [hdmisound      ]: hdmi-sound - hdmi-sound
     2 [rockchipcdndpso]: rockchip-cdndp- - rockchip-cdndp-sound


  5. For some reason, I cannot create an AudioRecord instance for recording voice on this board. I keep getting the error:

    2023-10-20 20:39:00.146   282-393   AudioFlinger            audioserver                          E  createRecord() getInputForAttr return error -38
    2023-10-20 20:39:00.147  4658-4736  IAudioFlinger           com.hussell.dukebox                  E  createRecord returned error -38
    2023-10-20 20:39:00.147  4658-4736  AudioRecord             com.hussell.dukebox                  E  createRecord_l(135923737): AudioFlinger could not create record track, status: -38
    2023-10-20 20:39:00.147  4658-4736  AudioRecord-JNI         com.hussell.dukebox                  E  Error creating AudioRecord instance: initialization check failed with status -38.
    2023-10-20 20:39:00.148  4658-4736  android.me...udioRecord com.hussell.dukebox                  E  Error code -20 when initializing native AudioRecord object.

    I have tried a bunch of stuff, and lookign through the source code of these files, but it seems something is happening in the native code. 

  6. So I keep getting this error a lot of times when debugging. It must be using some overhead that I don't want.


    2023-10-20 17:27:07.756   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       E  pcm_open() failed: cannot open device '/dev/snd/pcmC4294967295D0c': No such file or directory
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.760  1910-1910  HidlServiceManagement   com.android.phone                    W  Waited one second for android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.761   152-152   hwservicemanager        hwservicemanager                     I  Since android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1 is not registered, trying to start it as a lazy HAL.
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.762  1910-1910  HidlServiceManagement   com.android.phone                    I  getService: Trying again for android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1...
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.764   152-4296  libc                    hwservicemanager                     W  Unable to set property "ctl.interface_start" to "android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1": error code: 0x20
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.766   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       D  in->Device     : 0x4
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.767   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       D  in->SampleRate : 44100
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.767   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       D  in->Channels   : 2
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.767   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       D  in->Formate    : 0
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.767   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       D  in->PreiodSize : 441
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.767   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       D  No exist proc/asound/card2/id, break and finish parsing
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.767   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       D  dump in device info
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.767   254-3997  AudioHardwareTiny       android.hardware.audio.service       E  getInputRouteFromDevice:device:80000004
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.768   254-3997  alsa_route              android.hardware.audio.service       E  route_pcm_card_open() card -1 error!
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.768   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  rkdenoise_destroy: rkdenoise context destroy
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.768   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  rkdenoise_create: rate:44100 ch:2, flag:2
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.770   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  _skv_denoise_create: loading api(rkaudio_anr_param_deinit)...
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.770   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  _skv_denoise_create: loading api(skv_anr_param_printf)...
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.770   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  _skv_denoise_create: loading api(skv_anr_destory)...
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.770   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  _skv_denoise_create: loading api(skv_anr_process_time)...
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.770   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  _skv_denoise_create: loading api(skv_anrstruct_bank_init)...
    2023-10-20 17:27:07.771   254-3997  RKDENOISE               android.hardware.audio.service       D  _skv_denoise_create: skv denoise create okay period:441

    And I had a look in /dev/snd/ on the device and all I found were:

    crw-rw---- 1 system audio 116,   3 2013-01-18 08:50 controlC0
    crw-rw---- 1 system audio 116,   5 2013-01-18 08:50 controlC1
    crw-rw---- 1 system audio 116,   2 2013-01-18 08:50 pcmC0D0p
    crw-rw---- 1 system audio 116,   4 2013-01-18 08:50 pcmC1D0p
    crw-rw---- 1 system audio 116,  33 2013-01-18 08:50 timer

    Is there a way I can stop this process from trying to get the audio driver/device that's not even there? 

  7. Hello. I booted the Tinkerboard2S and plugged it all in like my old dev board. Nothing came up on the screen. 
    I wanted to flash, and then for some reason there was a jumper left across the power on and maskrom pins. I took it off and then I was able to flash Android12. 

    Plugged everything back in but no signal. How can I fix this, as the guides are very limited. 


  8. I am looking inside config.xml and I see the config_disableUsbPermissionDialogs being set to true. I cloned the source code specifically to make this true since the Odroid N2+ does not override it like this. I am wondering, though, why do you do this? 

    Is there some documentation somewhere also explaining what customisable things we can do with the Tinkerboard 2S? Is there an option for Kiosk mode, or will I have to do that through the OS source? 


    Thanks for all help and advice. 

  9. I noticed the command:
    repo init -u https://github.com/TinkerBoard-Android/manifest.git -b android11-rockchip
    was not found. I looked on github to see and yes it couldn't find it.
    Had a look around on the repositories and the command should have been:
    repo init -u https://github.com/TinkerBoard-Android/rockchip-android-manifest.git -b android11-rockchip

    So can we have this updated please for anyone in the future.

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