- Tinker Board T
- Image version >= TINKER_EDGE_T-MENDEL-0.0.14-20190904
- Two AIY Camera
Set up on Tinker Board T and AIY Camera
1. Insert the two AIY camera to the csi ports (Red part) of Tinker Board T:
- Back:
- Front:
2. Power on Tinker Board T and open the terminal by mouse (Red part):
3. Enter the name of demo app in the terminal (edgetpu_object_detect or edgetpu_face_detect) (Red part):
- edgetpu_object_detect : Object Detection by mobilenet ssd v2
- edgetpu_face_detect: Face Detection by mobilenet ssd v2
4. Minimized the terminal by clicking the red part and move the camera windows by hold the windows key + mouse left key:
5. You should see results like this:
Congrats! You've just performed an inference on Tinker Board T.