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Posts posted by Jay

  1. I have switched to wireless connection and every time I log in I have to disconnect the wired connection 1.

    How can I prevent the wired connect from trying to connect at boot time so I don't have to disconnect it manually?

    Is there a config file I can edit to permanently disconnect it and then I can edit it later if I want to use wireless again later.

    I'm using Tinkerboard2 OS.

  2. Yes, the antennas must be snapped on the wifi/bluetooth circuit board that is screwed down on the TBs2 board.  Wifi and bluetooth is working.

  3. Wifi/Bluetooth is working.  You have to snap the two antennas that came with the TBs2 to the chip that has a screw holding it down.  They are required to get 20 foot range for bluetooth and almost all bars for wifi.

    How do you mark this topic solved?

  4. I found out what was the problem.  I finally connected with bluetooth.  However, the bluetooth device has to be within 1 foot of the Tinkerboard 2s.

    One foot?

    It looses connection if further away.  So this TB2s has a one foot range for bluetooth.

    I assume the wireless has to be one foot from the router to connect wirelessly.

    How can you fix something like this?

    The wireless would need a wireless extender right next to the TB2s.

    Any suggestions for bluetooth?  Does the bluetooth need the antennas connected?  I think that is only for wireless internet.

  5. I found out what was the problem.  I finally connected with bluetooth.  However, the bluetooth device has to be within 1 foot of the Tinkerboard 2s.

    One foot?

    It looses connection if further away.  So this TB2s has a one foot range for bluetooth.

    I assume the wireless has to be one foot from the router to connect wirelessly.

    How can you fix something like this?

    The wireless would need a wireless extender right next to the TB2s.

    Any suggestions for bluetooth?  Does the bluetooth need the antennas connected?  I think that is only for wireless internet.



  6. I found this and was able to disable the Sap Driver.  But, bluetooth still not working.

    SAP stands for SIM Access Profile, so you have to disable it:

        Open /etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants/bluetooth.service




        ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --noplugin=sap

    Reload the systemd:

        $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

    Restart the bluetooth:

        $ sudo service bluetooth restart

    Get the bluetooth status:

        $ sudo service bluetooth status


    linaro@linaro-alip:~$ sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service
    ● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Sat 2022-07-16 08:05:10 PDT; 2min 11s ago
         Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
     Main PID: 520 (bluetoothd)
       Status: "Running"
        Tasks: 1 (limit: 4591)
       Memory: 2.1M
       CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
               └─520 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --noplugin=sap

    Jul 16 08:05:10 linaro-alip bluetoothd[520]: Bluetooth daemon 5.50
    Jul 16 08:05:10 linaro-alip bluetoothd[520]: Starting SDP server
    Jul 16 08:05:10 linaro-alip bluetoothd[520]: Excluding (cli) sap
    Jul 16 08:05:10 linaro-alip bluetoothd[520]: Bluetooth management interface 1.10 initialized
    Jul 16 08:05:16 linaro-alip bluetoothd[520]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEnd
    Jul 16 08:05:16 linaro-alip bluetoothd[520]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.39 path=/MediaEnd
    lines 1-17/17 (END)

  7. I get this a Sap driver failure.  Anyway to fix it?


    @linaro:-S  sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service
    ● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
       Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset
       Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-02-14 02:12:01 PST; 3 years 5 months 
         Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
     Main PID: 540 (bluetoothd)
       Status: "Running"
        Tasks: 1 (limit: 4591)
       Memory: 2.3M
       CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
               └─540 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

    Feb 14 02:12:01 linaro-alip bluetoothd[540]: Bluetooth daemon 5.50
    Feb 14 02:12:01 linaro-alip bluetoothd[540]: Starting SDP server
    Feb 14 02:12:01 linaro-alip bluetoothd[540]: Bluetooth management interface 1.10

       Feb 14 02:12:01 linaro-alip bluetoothd[540]: Sap driver initialization failed.
       Feb 14 02:12:01 linaro-alip bluetoothd[540]: sap-server: Operation not permitted

    Feb 14 02:12:07 linaro-alip bluetoothd[540]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.39 p
    Feb 14 02:12:07 linaro-alip bluetoothd[540]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.39 p

  8. I tried android os and no wireless network seen.  It's not seeing the router.  And no bluetooth connection to devices.

    I will return it. 

    They sent me a new tinkerboard 2s and it's the same no wireless and bluetooth.

    Can you help me get it configured? 

  9. I installed to the emmc.  What is parked mode?

    I will flash to an ssd and see if the bluetooth works.

    So, you're bluetooth is working on a tinkerboard 2s with the tinkerboard 2 debian 10 os?

  10. I just bought a Tinkerboard 2s and the wifi and bluetooth is not working. 

    1  Is the hardware bad or does the tinkerboard OS 2s newest installation need to be fixed?

    2  Will an older version work?

    3   I don't know if it is that software drivers need an update.  I don't want to send it back and buy another one just to find out that this one has no hard ware problem.

    4  Has anyone get the bluetooth working in the TB2s?

    I searched the forum and found nothing about bluetooth and wifi.  


    I installed this one and tried the newest android.  No bluetooth and wifi.

    Tinker Board 2 Debian 10 V2.0.4      2022/01/25    1.47 GBytes
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