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Posts posted by doggedly

  1. I am beginning to get the impression that the engineers on this forum are asleep a lot. I searched and the maximum operating temperature of the RK3399 processor is 125oC


    Chapter 4 Thermal Management 4.1 Overview For reliability and operability concerns, the absolute maximum junction temperature has to be below 125℃.


    I hope PCB can handle it bravely.

  2. it doesn't work i did a simple test.
    I created init.asus.sh in /system/etc/ (same as in generation 1) to do something simple:

    touch /sdcard/test.txt

    The file has chmod + x (see the attachment).
    Nothing happens, the file has not been created. Just like my scripts don't run, they run and run on startup in generation one. What they do doesn't matter. In my opinion, the asus.init.sh autostart routine does not work.

    So I repeat the question how to do autorun without the Magisk mod.


  3. thnx 🙂

    hmmmm... but

    i try pin 40 address 127, like at Tinkerboard 1/1S 

    echo 127 > /sys/class/gpio/export
    echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio127/direction
    echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio127/value

    and no change value to "1"

    no errors...



    i have simple script to init fan on Tinkerboard 1. This script work on 300 pcs.
    Modify address and not work:


    #inicjalizacja pin w GPIO 
    echo $gpio_pin > /sys/class/gpio/export 
    echo $direction > /sys/class/gpio/gpio127/direction

    #Test wentylatora po uruchomieniu systemu - wentylator powinen właczyc się na 5 sekund i wylaczyc
    echo $fan_on > /sys/class/gpio/gpio127/value
    sleep $sleep_start
    echo $fan_off > /sys/class/gpio/gpio127/value
    sleep $sleep_start
    sh /system/fantb2loop.sh


  4. I was very happy to hear that ASUS took the HDMI cec more seriously than in the first generation, where the cec was only for the S version.
    But what next?
    How to control HDMI from a shell? How to read the status with the shell?

    In the case of other distributions, e.g. ODROID, I met a fantastic solution and it was possible to control HDMI cec signals, for example in this way:
    echo 0x40 0x04> / sys / class / cec / cmd
    the above command turned on the screen.

    Will I get a ready and working solution for Tinkerboard 2?

  5. I'm trying to get along with the GPIO connector.

    I think the pin addressing will be different from the Tinkerboard version 1 (https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/wiki/images/d/d0/Gpio-pinout-expanded.png). This is probably due to a different processor.

    Unfortunately, I can't find the address for Tinkerboard 2 anywhere.

    I need the ability to control signals from a shell. Unfortunately, using the old addressing does not work. ex .:

    echo 188 > /sys/class/gpio/export (pin 40 for Tinkerboard v1)
    echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio188/direction
    echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio188/value

  6. In Asus Tinker board version one it was easy. It was enough to put the init.asus.sh file in the /system/etc/ directory and grant it permissions. Everything in this file was executed on boot (after the tinkerboard bootlog).

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work in Tinkerboard 2.

    There is a solution after installing the Magisk package. Daily Job Scheduler mod needs to be added. This is a pretty cool solution that looks like a Linux crontab.

    However, I would prefer a more system-level solution, ignoring these types of mods.

    Is there any autorun method similar to init.asus.sh / rc.local etc ??

  7. Welcome,
    On Android 10, the processor with my application heats up quite a bit (about 77oC). On Android 11, the processor temperature of the same application is 10 degrees lower (65oC). The problem is that Android11 is currently a beta version and it has already broken down a few times.
    In sum. What is the maximum operating temperature of this processor for Tinkerboard 2 / 2S and what is the maximum instantaneous temperature.
    As far as I remember, for the Tinkerboard / Tinkerboard S it was the temperature of 85oC / 115oC

    Let me tell you that the temperature can be checked like this (Android):

    cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
    cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone1/temp


  8. have you tried to do this with Magisk? I am stuck. Where do I get boot.img?
    I have Magisk installed and the only available method is "Select and PAtch a File". Then he wants access to "Select a raw image.

    please help because I'm running out of Tinker Board resources in version 1. I have 40 pieces left ...

  9. hi. We not answer for Android image, but for rooting TinkerBoard 2. Like TinkerBoard v1 (ex. https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/forum/archive/index.php/thread-648.html)

    We need SuperSU for our apps. 

    We have sold about 500 units of our TB v1 based devices. We want to continue to base our devices on your platform, but we require better support. Unfortunately, the support for TB v1 was tragic. I hope ASUS will be up to the challenge now ...

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