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.NET IOT Libraries C#

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I have a Tinker Board.

SO: Tinker OS Debian.
I installed .Net Core 5 Arm32. (runtime + sdk)

It works fine!


I tried to make a simple Blinking Led app to start working with Tinker GPIO's.

CODE: (from https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-pt/dotnet/iot/tutorials/blink-led)

using System;
using System.Device.Gpio;
using System.Threading;

Console.WriteLine("Blinking LED. Press Ctrl+C to end.");
int pin = 18;
using var controller = new GpioController();
controller.OpenPin(pin, PinMode.Output);
bool ledOn = true;
while (true)
    controller.Write(pin, ((ledOn) ? PinValue.High : PinValue.Low));
    ledOn = !ledOn;

The app compiles with no problems.

But the link don't Blink. He keeps always "ON". It seams that cannot write to PIN...

Does anyone know if .Net Iot GPIO Library can communicate with Tinker GPIO ? There is some limitation ?




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On 6/23/2021 at 2:45 PM, rogercarvalho said:


I have a Tinker Board.

SO: Tinker OS Debian.
I installed .Net Core 5 Arm32. (runtime + sdk)

RockChip Soc: RK3288

It works fine!


I tried to make a simple Blinking Led app to start working with Tinker GPIO's.

CODE: (from https://docs.microsoft.com/pt-pt/dotnet/iot/tutorials/blink-led)

using System;
using System.Device.Gpio;
using System.Threading;

Console.WriteLine("Blinking LED. Press Ctrl+C to end.");
int pin = 18;
using var controller = new GpioController();
controller.OpenPin(pin, PinMode.Output);
bool ledOn = true;
while (true)
    controller.Write(pin, ((ledOn) ? PinValue.High : PinValue.Low));
    ledOn = !ledOn;

The app compiles with no problems.

But the link don't Blink. He keeps always "ON". It seams that cannot write to PIN...

Does anyone know if .Net Iot GPIO Library can communicate with Tinker GPIO ? There is some limitation ?




Hi! I posted an issue on github and will try the susgestion:

"You can try this and refer to the datasheet for pin mapping


Thanks to Zhang Yuexin.



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It was a problem related with the pin export at path "sys/class/gpio/export" 

 Its possible to use the System.Device.Gpio library to access asus tinker gpio pins. 

Best regards

Edited by rogercarvalho

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