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TinkerBoard S and multimedia

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I had a TinkerBoard S before but it break because the sd card reader separate from the motherboard. Too much tests from me using sd cards. I bought a new one and I have the same problems than before. The TinkOS have problems. I cannot install Samba and Firefox-esr always crash. So, I am on Armbian now. I have less problems but the multimedia is under my attempts.

On youtube video is fluid at very low resolution like 360p and 240p. The sound cut per moments. I have not find any way to make it better. On AndroidOS the video display is perfect but I do not know at which resolution because Lightning do not allow me to see it in the video window. My question is why AndroidOS display good videos on youtube and not TinkerOS? Is there some hidden features that only Google know and use on Android?

I don't want to use Android I want a Linux system but with nice video support. Is this possible?

Edited by Ludicien

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I made a concession. I reduce the resolution from 1920x1080 to the native of the screen that Uboot use 1360x768. So I put the Linux framebuffer and Xorg to 1360x768 and the display is good but still at low resolutions on youtube. I am to test highers ones.

I use Falkon on Armbian. Firefox and Chromium can be install only using Snap and there is a problem to load them:

arm 13:48 ~ $ firefox
cannot load program:

: Invalid argument
arm 13:54 ~ $ 


Edited by Ludicien

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