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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/24 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    hello @hisataro, thanks for the details. at this point, we would suggest to re-flash the device first: User Guide · TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard Wiki (github.com) once the flashing is done, please copy the boot image to the device. the boot.img file (TB2_Android11_v2.0.6_boot_img) is re-uploaded and can be downloaded here: https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/a/#/s/50AF1C5364224C2BA8C8A5802DD779064 adb push boot.img /storage/emulated/0/Download/ then you can start rooting the device using magisk, please follow along the steps:
  2. 1 point
    hello @hisataro, please continue follow the instruction, now you'll need execute this command adb push boot.img /storage/emulated/0/Download to flash the image 2. Copy the boot image to your device adb push boot.img /storage/emulated/0/Download/ 3. Download the latest version of Magisk Installation | Magisk (topjohnwu.github.io) 4. Install Magisk adb install Magisk.apk 5. Launch Magisk from your device 6. Press the Install button 7. Choose “Select and Patch a File” in method, and select the boot.img file, The Magisk app will patch the boot.img file to [Internal Storage]/Download/magisk_patched_[random_strings].img 8. Pull magisk_patched_[random_strings].img to your PC adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Download/magisk_patched_[random_strings].img 9. Flash boot image patched by magisk in fastboot mode adb reboot-bootloader fastboot flash boot magisk_patched_[random_strings].img fastboot reboot
  3. 1 point
    hello @hisataro, please try the following and see if the device can be found: fastboot devices if the device has been detected, you can try the reboot fastboot command otherwise, we'd suggest to re-flash the device
  4. 1 point
    hello @RichUK, you can root the device using Magisk, here's a brief instruction: -- 1. Prepare boot image -- you can either: a. Get the latest boot image from Tinker Board website: Tinker Board (asus.com) or b. build boot image from source code: Tinker Board 2 - Android · GitHub 2. Copy the boot image to your device adb push boot.img /storage/emulated/0/Download/ 3. Download the latest version of Magisk: Installation | Magisk (topjohnwu.github.io) 4. Install Magisk adb install Magisk.apk 5. Launch Magisk from your device 6. Press the Install button 7. Choose “Select and Patch a File” in method, and select the boot.img file, The Magisk app will patch the boot.img file to [Internal Storage]/Download/magisk_patched_[random_strings].img 8. Pull magisk_patched_[random_strings].img to your PC adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Download/magisk_patched_[random_strings].img 9. Flash boot image patched by magisk in fastboot mode adb reboot-bootloader fastboot flash boot magisk_patched_[random_strings].img fastboot reboot --
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