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  1. I tried downloading https://gitee.com/rockchip/rk_tee_user to system/ and compiling it. Client applications are built, but TA applications are not built. It is probably because GCC is configured for a different board. It would really help if I could get a guide to compile TA for rk3399, Asus Tinker Board 2.
  2. Hello, I want to develop TZ applications within Tinkerboard 2. I am using AOSP Android v10 open source. How do I integrate TEE? I raised this question here: https://github.com/TinkerBoard2-Android/manifest/issues/2 However, the documentations provided seems to be in Chinese. Is there English docs somewhere? Furthermore, I do not have system/rk_tee* or rk_tools in my AOSP source after a sync and build. What am I missing here? Thank you very much.
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