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  1. Note: I not shure I did it in right way. And first time I losst even a single default module installed. Finnaly I get it working! I had to compile missing modules from TinkerBoard2 source. 1. Git clone: https://github.com/TinkerBoard2/kernel Then, as per this forum advice: 2. make clean && make distclean && make mrproper 3. make ARCH=arm64 tinker2_defconfig Then start menu: 4. sudo make ARCH=arm menuconfig Select nessesary driver rtl8187 as M (module) select additional driver depence eeprom_93cx6 as M (and I add "pps for gpio" driver for gps device) as M 5. in file "kernel\drivers\net\wireless\rockchip_wlan\rkwifi\bcmdhd\dhd_linux.c" bug n.6965 It should be like this :"strncpy(drvname, info.driver, sizeof(drvname));" 6. in file "kernel\drivers\net\wireless\rockchip_wlan\rtl8822be\hal\phydm\halrf\rtl8822b\halrf_iqk_8822b.c bug n.449 n.453 "report = ~(". (in new gcc comiler) I just removed symbol "~" Looks like working. 7. save .config file and sudo make modules 8. At this stage will be many questiions. I don't now answers, so I just press "Enter". 9. After succesful module complilation, install their sudo make modules_install 10.sudo insmod /lib/modules/4.4.194/kernel/drivers/misc/eeprom/eeprom_93cx6.ko nohwcrypt=0 sudo insmod /usr/src/linux-headers-4.4.194/drivers/net/wireless/rtl8187/rtl8187.ko nohwcrypt=0 11.sudo depmod -a 12.sudo lsmod rtl8187 61440 0 eeprom_93cx6 16384 1 rtl8187 pps_ldisc 16384 2 8822ce 3424256 0
  2. Hi! Is it possible to run usb wifi adapters (Realteck rtl8187, Ralink) on TinkerBoadr2 ? Firmfare-realtek utility installed. Adapters are successfully detected with lsusb. According to WIKI driver modules are built into the kernel. However, they are not on the Tinker board 2. sudo find /lib/modules -name *ko' only finds rtl88*. I tried to install drivers from source, but it is for kernel 3.0 -3.2. I have not enough knowledge for it. Does ASUS plan to add drivers into the kernel? Maybe some manual for compiling/installing/inserting? Or the cross-compilation Is the only way? Thanks in advance for your replies.
  3. Finally, the following solution helped me: <code> sudo apt dist-upgrade </code> I have got a list of broken packages. <code> sudo dpkg -l | grep ^ iU | awk '{print $ 2}' | xargs sudo dpkg --purge 'package_name' </code> I have removed these packages one by one. <code> sudo apt install -f </code> And <code> sudo apt install samba </code> Life is getting better!
  4. Hi! Has anyone installed samba samba-common-bin on Tinker Board2? I have tried installing on Debian 10 V 2.0.0 and V 2.0.3. using apt, apt-get and manual. Unfortunately, the same message appears about unsuitable versions of libraries (python-samba, samba-libs and many others) I've tried changing source.list as well, but in vain. Could you advise?
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