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  1. See this thread: https://github.com/balena-os/balena-asus-tinker-board/issues/60 Hopefully we get a solution soon....
  2. See this thread: https://github.com/balena-os/balena-asus-tinker-board/issues/60 Hopefully we get a solution soon....
  3. Using balenaOS, I can't get WiFi to work. Any idea what to do ?? For other boards (such as Raspberry Pi 4 / or Zero 1) the WiFi works. But not for your Asus Tinker S R2.0 Thank you for any help on this.
  4. Hi, I tried to get WiFi running using BalenaOS (image balenaOS 2.38.3+rev1) following the Balena setup manual But WiFi is not working. Any help on this ? What I tried A), B) or C) see as follows... But unfortunately, none of the trials A, B or C helped ? Do you have any idea on how to get the WiFi running using the balenaOS.2.38+rev1 image ???? Trial A) using the file system-connections/balena-wifi-01 in the flash-boot of the BalenaOS image [connection] id=balena-wifi-01 type=wifi [wifi] hidden=false mode=infrastructure ssid=MY_SSID [ipv4] method=auto [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy method=auto [wifi-security] auth-alg=open key-mgmt=wpa-psk psk=MY_PW Trial B) As described in flash-boot's system-connections/README.ignores file, I took away the .ignores of the resin-sample File. But this seems an old way of doing things. Not sure about this. [connection] id=resin-sample type=wifi [wifi] hidden=true mode=infrastructure ssid=MY_SSID [wifi-security] auth-alg=open key-mgmt=wpa-psk psk=MY_PW [ipv4] method=auto [ipv6] addr-gen-mode=stable-privacy method=auto Trial C) entering WiFi/PW credentials in flash-boot's device-type.json { "slug": "asus-tinker-board-s", "version": 1, "aliases": [ "asus-tinker-board-s" ], "name": "Asus Tinker Board S (EXPERIMENTAL)", "arch": "armv7hf", "state": "EXPERIMENTAL", "stateInstructions": { "postProvisioning": [ "The device is performing a shutdown. Please wait until all LEDs are off.", "Remove the balenaOS installation media.", "Before powering up the Asus Tinker Board S, make sure that the jumper between the 5V power supply and the HDMI connector is in the parking (no function) mode, as ilustrated in this link https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Setup", "Remove and re-connect power to the board." ] }, "instructions": [ "Write the OS file you downloaded to your SD card. We recommend using <a href=\"http://www.etcher.io/\">Etcher</a>.", "Insert the freshly burnt SD card into the Asus Tinker Board S.", "<strong role=\"alert\">Warning!</strong> This will also completely erase internal storage media, so please make a backup first.", "Before powering up the Asus Tinker Board S, make sure that the jumper between the 5V power supply and the HDMI connector is in the MASKROM mode, as ilustrated in this link https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Setup", "The device is performing a shutdown. Please wait until all LEDs are off.", "Remove the balenaOS installation media.", "Before powering up the Asus Tinker Board S, make sure that the jumper between the 5V power supply and the HDMI connector is in the parking (no function) mode, as ilustrated in this link https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Setup", "Remove and re-connect power to the board." ], "gettingStartedLink": { "windows": "https://docs.resin.io/asus-tinker-board-s/nodejs/getting-started/#adding-your-first-device", "osx": "https://docs.resin.io/asus-tinker-board-s/nodejs/getting-started/#adding-your-first-device", "linux": "https://docs.resin.io/asus-tinker-board-s/nodejs/getting-started/#adding-your-first-device" }, "supportsBlink": true, "yocto": { "machine": "asus-tinker-board-s", "image": "resin-image-flasher", "fstype": "resinos-img", "version": "yocto-sumo", "deployArtifact": "resin-image-flasher-asus-tinker-board-s.resinos-img", "compressed": true }, "options": [ { "isGroup": true, "name": "network", "message": "Network", "options": [ { "message": "Network Connection", "name": "network", "type": "list", "choices": [ "wifi" ] }, { "message": "Wifi SSID", "name": "MY_WIFI", "type": "text", "when": { "network": "wifi" } }, { "message": "Wifi Passphrase", "name": "MY_PW", "type": "password", "when": { "network": "wifi" } } ] }, { "isGroup": true, "isCollapsible": true, "collapsed": true, "name": "advanced", "message": "Advanced", "options": [ { "message": "Check for updates every X minutes", "name": "appUpdatePollInterval", "type": "number", "min": 10, "default": 10 } ] } ], "configuration": { "config": { "partition": { "primary": 1 }, "path": "/config.json" } }, "initialization": { "options": [ { "message": "Select a drive", "type": "drive", "name": "drive" } ], "operations": [ { "command": "burn" } ] } }
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