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  1. Hi tooz. Regarding this issue, I resolved myself with your advice. I found my Opencv set GStreamer "No". That's why I uninstalled opencv and build source after working well. Thank you for your supporting!
  2. Good morning! Tooz. I changed parameter according to your advice, but no response from command line of python "python xxx(above code).py" To confirm video capture process is started or not, I inserted "cap.isOpened "status. As a result of check, cap.isOpened is failed. video stream doesn't overlay via gstreamer and show in the Opencv.
  3. Hello @tooz, I downloaded TinkerOS image, Tinker Board 2 Debian 10 V2.0.4 from tinker-board.asus.com . If execute pipeline "gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=1920,height=1080,framerate=30/1 ! videoconvert ! autovideosink" in the termial, capture process is no problem. .
  4. Hi I've just start Tinker 2S (Debian ver) user. It's very cool small computer and enjoy to connect camera. I'm using MIPI cam(IMX219) . GStreamer pipeline command line is no problem showing video. But try to integrate python code, no response from camera. I want to ask you guys how should I do. below is test python code. python 3.7.3 Opencv version =opencv-python numpy 1.21.6 pip 22.1.2
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