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  1. There are bunch of fails when I try to build this from source code: make[4]: *** [drivers/media/i2c/cam_sensor/cam_imx219.o] Error 1 scripts/Makefile.build:637: recipe for target 'drivers/media/i2c/cam_sensor' failed make[3]: *** [drivers/media/i2c/cam_sensor] Error 2 scripts/Makefile.build:637: recipe for target 'drivers/media/i2c' failed make[2]: *** [drivers/media/i2c] Error 2 scripts/Makefile.build:637: recipe for target 'drivers/media' failed make[1]: *** [drivers/media] Error 2 Makefile:1201: recipe for target 'drivers' failed make: *** [drivers] Error 2 And when I run make instead of build.sh, it fail: FAILED: ninja: 'kernel/arch/arm64/boot/Image', needed by 'out/target/product/Tinker_Board_2/kernel', missing and no known rule to make it
  2. Hi @yi-hsin_hung: Thanks for your reply! I read that before and got the mraa.aar file but didn't know how to make it Android studio library. I've jut tried to put that file into app/libs then add the libs folder to the dependencies and it seems work
  3. Hi @yi-hsin_hung, how can I add mraa library to Android studio? When I typed import mraa.* it said "Unresolved reference: mraa"
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