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Al Avitr

External touch screen display not working with Android 11 on board 2S

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Hello! Exciting to be using the Tinker Board 2S! My application requires Android 11 with an external touch screen display. The issue I am facing is that the touch screen input to Tinker board 2S via the USB does not work. Touch input is not detected. The same setup works fine on a Blackberry Pi 4 running Emteria Android. So, I have concluded that it must be some issue/setting on the Android 11 running on the Tinker Board 2S.

FYI, a wireless mouse/keyboard work just fine on 2S.

Anyone with experience using an external touch screen monitor via USB?


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I am facing the same problem with my ASUS Tinkerboard 2S.

My observations so far:

  • Touch interface through USB doesnt work.
  • If I connect keyboard/mouse BEFORE the touch usb, keyboard/mouse work.
  • Once I connect the touch USB, nothing works.

Any help with this problem would be great.

Thank you



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Has there been any updates on this topic? I am running into the same problem. (Tinkerboard 2)

@tooz it is impossible to get any information out of the Tinkerboard, it completely stops working and needs a power cycle before it can operate again.

I am using a 7" Hicenda HF7SMP-7CTP TFT diaplay with touch, attached is the HDMI driver board that has a Micro USB 5V and a Micro USB 5V + Touch.

When i connect it to the one with touch is when all the problems start happening.


Edited by wesselTOP

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hello @wesselTOP

we will need more logs to debug the issue

1. to collect logs via tty uart: 


2. to collect kernel logs with adb shell command: 

adb shell dmesg > kernel.log


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