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WaveShare 15.6inch LCD freezes

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Hi there,

i have a WaveShare LCD connected to the Tinker Board with HDMI.

After a while or sometimes soon after booting the display freezes. I'm also connected via VNC and there it also freezes.

What could it be and is there a way to fix this?


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hello @Fuchsy,

sounds like it's system hang to me from what you've described (even vnc is not working), we've not had this issue before, could you check the following:

1. if this hdmi panel is connected to usb touch, does the issue persist withouth usb touch?

2. does the issue persist without connecting to vnc?

3. does this issue happen when you're using other hdmi monitors?

4. does the mouse work when the issue occurrs?


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4 hours ago, tooz said:

hello @Fuchsy,

sounds like it's system hang to me from what you've described (even vnc is not working), we've not had this issue before, could you check the following:

1. if this hdmi panel is connected to usb touch, does the issue persist withouth usb touch?

2. does the issue persist without connecting to vnc?

3. does this issue happen when you're using other hdmi monitors?

4. does the mouse work when the issue occurrs?


hello @tooz,

1. yes it still occurs, i even disconnected keyboard and mouse, but no luck.

2. I'm trying it out right now

3. yes

4. no, mouse doen't work either


Maybe other important points:

- when it 'freezes' i still can operate via SSH.

- if i don't connect the hdmi monitor and just work with vnc there is no problem.

- i use the x11vnc, because all the others don't show me the actual display.

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hello @Fuchsy

it sounds more like a vnc issue than a waveshare lcd panel issue to me.

i've tried to reproduce it with x11vnc v.0.9.13, tinker board os: debian 10 v.2.0.14

x11vnc config: 

Description=Start x11vnc at startup.
After=syslog.target network-online.target
Wants=syslog.target network-online.target
ExecStart=/usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -forever -loop -noxdamage -repeat -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc.pwd -rfbport 5900 -shared -capslock -nomodtweak
ExecStop=/usr/bin/x11vnc -R stop

client: vnc viewer v.7.0.1

i did encounter delays and random disconnection several times but looks like it's expected: https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=277139

can we have a look at the logs under /var/log ? (please rm -rf  /var/log before you copy the logs)

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Hi @tooz,

it really seems like the x11vnc is causing this issue.


Threse are the logs under /var/log:

auth.log  daemon.log  kern.log  lightdm   private  user.log  x11vnc.log
btmp      debug       lastlog   messages  syslog   wtmp      Xorg.0.log


And this is the output of x11vnc.log:

09/03/2023 13:54:03 passing arg to libvncserver: -rfbauth
09/03/2023 13:54:03 passing arg to libvncserver: /etc/x11vnc.pwd
09/03/2023 13:54:03 passing arg to libvncserver: -rfbport
09/03/2023 13:54:03 passing arg to libvncserver: 5900
09/03/2023 13:54:03 passing arg to libvncserver: -rfbversion
09/03/2023 13:54:03 passing arg to libvncserver: 3.6
09/03/2023 13:54:03 passing arg to libvncserver: -permitfiletransfer
09/03/2023 13:54:03 -safer mode:
09/03/2023 13:54:03    vnc_connect=0
09/03/2023 13:54:03    accept_remote_cmds=0
09/03/2023 13:54:03    safe_remote_only=1
09/03/2023 13:54:03    launch_gui=0
09/03/2023 13:54:03 x11vnc version: 0.9.13 lastmod: 2011-08-10  pid: 862
xauth:  unable to generate an authority file name
09/03/2023 13:54:05 -auth guess: using 'XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/root/:0' for disp=':0'
09/03/2023 13:54:05 Using X display :0
09/03/2023 13:54:05 rootwin: 0x3b5 reswin: 0x200001 dpy: 0x609dd770
09/03/2023 13:54:05
09/03/2023 13:54:05 ------------------ USEFUL INFORMATION ------------------


09/03/2023 13:54:06 --------------------------------------------------------
09/03/2023 13:54:06
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Default visual ID: 0x21
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Read initial data from X display into framebuffer.
09/03/2023 13:54:06 initialize_screen: fb_depth/fb_bpp/fb_Bpl 24/32/7680
09/03/2023 13:54:06
09/03/2023 13:54:06 X display :0 is 32bpp depth=24 true color
09/03/2023 13:54:06
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Listening for VNC connections on TCP port 5900
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Listening for VNC connections on TCP6 port 5900
09/03/2023 13:54:06 listen6: bind: Address already in use
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Not listening on IPv6 interface.
09/03/2023 13:54:06
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Xinerama is present and active (e.g. multi-head).
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Xinerama: number of sub-screens: 1
09/03/2023 13:54:06 Xinerama: no blackouts needed (only one sub-screen)
09/03/2023 13:54:06
09/03/2023 13:54:06 fb read rate: 271 MB/sec
09/03/2023 13:54:06 fast read: reset -wait  ms to: 10
09/03/2023 13:54:06 fast read: reset -defer ms to: 10
09/03/2023 13:54:06 The X server says there are 12 mouse buttons.
09/03/2023 13:54:06 screen setup finished.
09/03/2023 13:54:06

The VNC desktop is:      tinker:0


09/03/2023 13:54:17 Got connection from client
09/03/2023 13:54:17   other clients:
09/03/2023 13:54:17 Normal socket connection
09/03/2023 13:54:17 Disabled X server key autorepeat.
09/03/2023 13:54:17   to force back on run: 'xset r on' (3 times)
09/03/2023 13:54:17 incr accepted_client=1 for  sock=11
09/03/2023 13:54:17 Client Protocol Version 3.3
09/03/2023 13:54:17 Protocol version sent 3.3, using 3.3
09/03/2023 13:54:17 created   xdamage object: 0x200040
09/03/2023 13:54:17 copy_tiles: allocating first_line at size 61
09/03/2023 13:54:19 client useCopyRect: 0
09/03/2023 13:54:19 client_set_net:  0.0025
09/03/2023 13:54:19 Using image quality level 6 for client
09/03/2023 13:54:19 Using JPEG subsampling 0, Q79 for client
09/03/2023 13:54:19 Enabling NewFBSize protocol extension for client
09/03/2023 13:54:19 Enabling LastRect protocol extension for client
09/03/2023 13:54:19 Enabling cursor position updates for client
09/03/2023 13:54:19 Enabling full-color cursor updates for client
09/03/2023 13:54:19 Using tight encoding for client
09/03/2023 13:54:23 client 1 network rate 331.7 KB/sec (11570.7 eff KB/sec)
09/03/2023 13:54:23 client 1 latency:  41.0 ms
09/03/2023 13:54:23 dt1: 0.0412, dt2: 0.0799 dt3: 0.0410 bytes: 40140
09/03/2023 13:54:23 link_rate: LR_UNKNOWN - 40 ms, 331 KB/s
09/03/2023 13:54:25 cursor_noshape_updates_clients: 0
09/03/2023 13:54:26 created selwin: 0x200041
09/03/2023 13:54:26 called initialize_xfixes()

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Can you perhaps suggest another working vnc server or a remote control, which works on this distribution (with a real x display)?

I tried to install teamviewer, rustdesk and tried to run teamviewerqs, but these dont work.

And enabling vnc from the tinker-config tools / Interfacing options does not show the real display... or do i have to set some options to get the real display?

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hello @Fuchsy

x11vnc is giving me some on-and-off disconnections that can be fixed by reconnecting (not perfect, but does the job) i have used teamviewer and anydesk very briefly. what is your setup? tinker board r2.0 as vnc server, it connect to a hdmi monitor and a waveshare lcd panel, and a laptop as vnc client?

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Hi @tooz,

if it would be just disconnection than i could deal with it, but the problem is if it 'freezes' - than i can't interact with it anymore and have to reboot from SSH.

But what also sometimes happens is, that it disconnects without the 'freeze' and when i connect again, i see that the user is logged out - i see the login panel of tinker.

My setup:

Tinker Board 2s as vnc server, connected to lcd panel with hdmi, mouse, keyboard, usb-touch for lcd and ethernet. My computer as vnc client (TightVNC Viewer or RealVNC Viewer)

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