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How do I submit a warranty claim?

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I have tried contacting Asus tinkerboard division in the past regarding product specifications but they never replied. I have submitted my warranty claim today but I am worried they will not respond to me regarding that either. Any suggestions. Also my tinkerboard just decided to stop booting not sure why. it doesn;t have a case, but it was on a silicone mat for pcbs that is staic safe. Nothing touched while it was running so it didn't short out, I have an air purifier in the roomsor there not alot of dust, it has a passive heat sink so it shouldn't have overheated, it was connected to a 5v 2.4 amp usb charger it arrived with, and it was booting into android just fine the day before.

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Sorry for all the typos these messages were typed on a Rii Rk707 2.4GHz Wireless Controller Mini Keyboard Combo.

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Thank you tooz. This Board was given to me as a gift, but I believe it may have been purchased through Amazon. Also the closest repair center I can see is 892.6km or 554.6 miles at a Microcenter in Dallas, TX. I have found the live hat I will try reaching out to them tomorrow.. Thanks again for your help.

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