2020 0 Posted December 5, 2020 Debian / XFCE minimal desktop Download the latest current version of Bullseye (Panfrost drivers included) for your device and follow the instructions https://www.armbian.com/download/ After the first login type ... exit (exit from root, login with your new user id) sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade (if the kernel installation prompts for modifications, just say Yes or Ok) sudo apt install task-xfce-desktop xfce4-terminal firefox-esr network-manager-gnome gparted sudo reboot Login graphically with your user id ... Open Firefox and check if you have access to internet Open xfce terminal and add the basic xfce packages sudo apt install pulseaudio pavucontrol gvfs gvfs-backends policykit-1 udisks2 catfish mousepad xarchiver gdebi gigolo sudo reboot Find out ... ARM architecture of your computer processor https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ARM_microarchitectures Latest Chrome version https://www.google.com/search?q=The+latest+user+agents+for+Chrome&oq=The+latest+user+agents+for+Chrome&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l3&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Download the user agents text file for the latest Chrome version with the platform Chrome OS ARMv7 (armhf / 32-bit) https://user-agents.net/download?browser=chrome&version=87-0&browser_bits=32&platform=chromeos&platform_bits=32&name=armv7l or ARMv8 (arm64 / 64-bit) https://user-agents.net/download?browser=chrome&version=87-0&platform=chromeos&name=aarch64 (use the highest version) Vivaldi browser installation Download Vivaldi (https://vivaldi.com/download/archive) ARMv7 (armhf / 32-bit) https://downloads.vivaldi.com/stable/vivaldi-stable_3.4.2066.106-1_armhf.deb or ARMv8 (arm64 / 64-bit) https://downloads.vivaldi.com/stable/vivaldi-stable_3.4.2066.106-1_arm64.deb Open GDebi and install your specific Vivaldi browser Create a desktop launcher Name: DRM browser Command: /usr/bin/vivaldi-stable --disable-seccomp-filter-sandbox --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS armv7l 13505.40.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.54 Safari/537.36" *** Use the latest user agents text string *** Open Vivaldi with the DRM browser launcher and verify the parameters ... user agent: https://whatmyuseragent.com components: vivaldi://components (check if Widevine Content Decryption Module is loaded) gpu: vivaldi://gpu flags: vivaldi://flags Enable > Override software rendering list Widevine-flash installation Close any opened Vivaldi Browser Open xfce terminal and download the script that fetches a ChromeOS image and extracts the Widevine and Flash ARMv7 (armhf / 32-bit) git clone https://gist.github.com/e025024ecffa45ee4325a3915fd8dad1.git widevine-flash ARMv8 (arm64 / 64-bit) git clone https://gist.github.com/7e1e1c313843d6a8180cfc1f47bee6aa.git widevine-flash cd widevine-flash sudo sh ./widevine-flash_arm32.sh or sudo sh ./widevine-flash_arm64.sh (and follow the instructions) Open Vivaldi with the DRM browser launcher and check if DRM is working https://bitmovin.com/demos/drm Now you are ready to watch Netflix ? Cheers! This tutorial is based on my knowledge and experience in testing Tinkerboard. It has not been tested on other devices and I do not take any responsibility nor am I liable for any damage that may be caused through the use of this tutorial. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites