ASUS Tinker Edge T 單板電腦 (SBC) 於 2019 年台北創客嘉年華活動中推出自走車並造成轟動 (。這場國際創客聚會活動的參與者皆對這款 AI 驅動自走驢車 (Donkey Car) 的表現發出驚嘆聲,而這款驢車配備了 Tinker Edge T。
台大創客松是台灣最知名的學生軟硬體開發競賽,2017 年的活動於二月底結束。這場 24 小時的挑戰由國立台灣大學電機系 (NTUEE) 與台北市政府共同舉辦,今年的活動吸引超過 200 位來自台灣各地大學生的參與。有七家公司參與 2017 年台大創客松活動。華碩身兼合作夥伴與贊助商的角色。
Partnership with CyberLink enables world-class facial-recognition for AIoT applications in retail, public services, hospitality, healthcare and more
Arm-based, embedded single-board computer (SBC) with 64-bit big.LITTLE technology delivers enhanced computing performance with low power consumption
適用於AI應用的單板電腦,具有Rockchip NPU和Arm®big.LITTLE架構,提供先進的電源設計和易於機器學習的模型部署
華碩Tinker Edge T是一款功能強大的小型單板電腦(SBC),旨在驅動您的AI應用程序。 它具有Google Edge TPU和機器學習(ML)加速器,可提供出色的處理效率,低功耗要求,並易於構建連接的設備和智慧應用程序。
AnyConnect的智慧影像平台和ASUS Tinker Edge T通過Edge Inference開啟AI影像網路
適用於AI應用程序的單板電腦具有Google Edge TPU,ARM處理器,先進的電源設計和工具,可輕鬆進行系統設置。
為了幫助您在ASUS Tinker Edge T上進行深度學習和推理,您可以使用它,本文將向您展示如何執行實時姿勢檢測。
華碩Tinker Board S提供了經濟高效的解決方案
The high school students used ASUS Tinker Edge T single board computer to control electronic parts such as buzzer and motor, who experienced digital input and output and learned the concept of machine learning by running object detection pre-trained model
Running Mobilenet SSD V1 demo at Asus Tinker Edge T in streaming mode has better frames per seconds @__MLT__ @suzatweet @ASUSJapan #TensorFlow
One of the highlights today: Real-time detection (wifi streaming) on the Tinker Edge T! Super fun day - thanks everyone for joining @__MLT__ @yoovraj @alisher_ai @knaveen @anugrahasinha @girlandkat @sezan92
Edge afternoon @__MLT__ @yoovraj @knaveen @anugrahasinha @girlandkat
AIGO senior @aigo.aicamp
The high school students used ASUS Tinker Edge T single board computer to control electronic parts such as buzzer and motor, who experienced digital input and output and learned the concept of machine learning by running object detection pre-trained model
Raspberry Pi Upgrade: Asus Tinker Edge R & T Single Board PCs at CES 2020!
CES 2020 - Asus Tinker Edge R and Edge T
2019 Unboxing Both Tinker Board Models - What's The Difference?
Running Mobilenet SSD V1 demo at Asus Tinker Edge T in streaming mode has better frames per seconds @__MLT__ @suzatweet @ASUSJapan #TensorFlow
One of the highlights today: Real-time detection (wifi streaming) on the Tinker Edge T! Super fun day - thanks everyone for joining @__MLT__ @yoovraj @alisher_ai @knaveen @anugrahasinha @girlandkat @sezan92
Edge afternoon @__MLT__ @yoovraj @knaveen @anugrahasinha @girlandkat