Hi everyone.
I was using TinkerBoard S boards for a project, but now that we can't get those anywhere, I started looking for other solutions.
I didn't want to use anything that didn't have an EMMC, so I went the Tinker Edge T route while waiting for the S2 to come out.
I can get pretty much everything I need working, but I can't seem to be able to disable the i2c bus at all. I need to disable it to be able to use at least 25 GPIO.
I tried the /boot/config.txt route, but not only are i2c busses not listed originally, adding them manually (with intf:i2c2=off) doesn't disable them at all. Moreover, there doesn't seem to be any linux kernel loaded for it.
I am using the Tinker Edge T with Mendel Eagle 3.0.7.
Any way for me to disable i2c ?
Thank you !