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  • Birthday 03/11/1982

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  1. There were thoughts about installing GAPS via ADB, but the installation description was clumsily written.
  2. Thanks for the tip about gparted. With all this out of my head! :-))) If it's not difficult, describe in more detail how you installed MindTheGapps... I was only able to install MAKSU-LiteGapps by installing modules via Magisk. I just described the whole process in detail in this post -
  3. Look at least here - Rock PI 4 Android Mraa API Look at the similarity of GPIO pins! Mraa Java Lib is packaged in aar format and can be used in AndroidStudio: aar Default IO Map Enable:Uart2(consloe),Uart4,SPI2,I2C2,I2C7,PWM0,PWM1 Disable:I2C6,SPI1 https://wiki.radxa.com/Rockpi4/android-mraa
  4. One question, why do you need an outdated version of Android 7 OS??? If there is - a fully working Android 8.1 OS ready-made assembly with Root + Google Play. Read about getting ROOT rights - at least in this thread...
  5. A clear explanation of connecting SPDIF - digital audio output from the Tinker Board. https://community.volumio.com/t/tinker-board-s-spdif-docker/9938/5 In Tinker Board, there is no way to passively output the SPDIF signal directly! The Tinker Board has a pin (SPDIF output connector) for connecting to daughter peripherals (boards) with harness and Coaxial and Optical outputs soldered on it. With the help of which, you can subsequently output a digital audio signal to your external source (amplifier, receiver, etc.). Daughter board with wiring and digital signal outputs, connected using pins on the Tinker Board - Vcc5V+, Gnd, S/Pdif. https://community.volumio.com/uploads/default/original/2X/7/736c44029b466040f89dcf61f87b6e9d92d4171e.jpeg https://community.volumio.com/t/tinker-board-s-spdif-docker/9938/5
  6. Firmware provided by (denchakapon) - https://tinker-board.asus.com/forum/index.php?/profile/259-denchakapon/ This post contains links to downloading firmware, obtaining ROOT super user rights, and instructions for installing Google Play Market. Android 8.1 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yfR_UXxI7Sd_vm2h87BHwsqajJVRVGT2/view?usp=drive_link The firmware has ROOT and Google Play Market. All interfaces and communications are working. The storage memory is completely visible. Android 11 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SywUn62XJk9Pmv0ixdnPvAvBKlONMLcv/view?usp=drive_link Wi-Fi doesn't work... I figured out getting root rights and it works. I also figured out the installation of PlayMarket, it works. Android 12 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/17JokXhaBzw3aK3lOoS4j0YTw4Z6UcveG/view?usp=drive_link Wi-Fi doesn't work... I figured out getting root rights and it works. I also figured out the installation of PlayMarket, it works. I've encountered a problem. I use microSD 32Gb and 64Gb. Android 12 does not see the full microSD capacity. I tried doing a factory reset, but it didn't help. I tried different programs for recording the image - balenaEtcher, win32diskimager, USB Image Tool. Obtaining super user rights - ROOT. How to get ROOT super user rights - https://tinker-board.asus.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15098-how-to-root-android-on-tinkerboard-2/ If it’s not clear or you have questions, you can contact me and I’ll explain. A little more detail - how to get super user ROOT rights. For Android 11 and 12, install the Magisk application - https://magisk.me/apk/ (Alternative link download) on Tinkerboard, then open the firmware image, for example, in Windows, using the archiver - 7zip, copy the boot.img file from the open firmware image to a location convenient for you. Then copy the boot.img file to Tinkerboard, run Magisk on Tinkerboard, select Magisk mode - installation, patch boot - image. Naturally, select the pre-copied boot.img image. The patched boot.img image will be saved to the Download folder on Tinkerboard with the approximate name - magisk_patched-27000_TmRXH.img. Next, copy the patched image to your computer. Next you need to copy the patched image to Tinkerboard in fastboot mode via ADB. How to install ADB kitchen (Android SDK Platform Tools) (Alternative link download) for Windows (there are a lot of letters, but everything is simpler than it seems) - https://droidwin.com/how-to-add-adb-to-path-in-windows-11/ Instructions for copying patched boot.img via ADB (see point - ? - https://droidwin.com/root-android-11-magisk-patched-boot-img/ A little difficult, but everything is simpler than it seems. If it’s not clear or you have questions, you can contact me and I’ll explain. Regarding the installation of Google Play Market. After obtaining ROOT super user rights through Magisk, You need to download the LiteGapps package with Google services, including our coveted Google Play Market - repository https://sourceforge.net/projects/litegapps/files/litegapps/arm/30/pixel/2024-02-23/ Link to the package we need (MAKSU-LiteGapps) - https://sourceforge.net/projects/litegapps/files/litegapps/arm/30/pixel/2024-02-23/MAKSU-LiteGapps-pixel-arm-11.0-20240223-official.zip/download (Alternative link download) Next, copy the downloaded file MAKSU-LiteGapps-pixel-arm-11.0-20240223-official.zip to any folder convenient for you on Tinkerboard. Launch Magisk, select Modules at the bottom of the line, install from the storage, and select a pre-downloaded file for installation -MAKSU-LiteGapps-pixel-arm-11.0-20240223-official.zip After unpacking and installing the modules, click in the lower right corner - reboot. Good luck with the firmware, obtaining super user rights and installing Google services! I look forward to your criticism, questions and suggestions - (I’m more looking forward to suggestions for solving problems that have arisen)... The most questions and solutions await - (denchakapon) - https://tinker-board.asus.com/forum/index.php?/profile/259-denchakapon/
  7. All links for downloading the firmware in this topic are not working. If possible, please update.
  8. Wi-Fi doesn't work... I've encountered a problem. I use microSD 32Gb and 64Gb. Android 12 does not see the full microSD capacity. I tried doing a factory reset, but it didn't help. I tried different programs for recording the image - balenaEtcher, win32diskimager, USB Image Tool. Wi-Fi не работает... Я столкнулся с проблемой. Использую microSD 32Гб и 64Гб. Android 12 не видит всю емкость microSD. Пробовал сделать сброс к заводским настройкам, не помогло. Пробовал разные программы для записи изображения - balenaEtcher, win32diskimager, USB Image Tool.
  9. Wi-Fi doesn't work... I figured out getting root rights and it works. I also figured out the installation of PlayMarket, it works. Не паботает Wi-Fi... С получением рут прав разобрался, работат. С установкой PlayMarket тоже разобрался, работает.
  10. Please provide a working link to download the firmware. The link in the topic header is not relevant, there is no file to download. Thank you in advance.
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