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Tinker Engineer
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Everything posted by tooz

  1. hello @walter, tinker board r2.0 rx: pin36, tx: pin37
  2. hello @christian w, to check the hardware version: cat /proc/boardinfo and cat /proc/boardver if you're using the first generation of tinker board that the command above doesn't work, please use this command instead: cat /proc/board_info to check the os version: cat /etc/version
  3. hello @jons, we're targeting to release it in august, sorry for the wait
  4. hello @jons, please add the following configs: CONFIG_CAN=y CONFIG_CAN_GS_USB=y
  5. hello @AdamTheTinkr, the chipset of wifi module for tinker board (not tinker board r2.0) are: rtl8723bs / rtl8723ds
  6. hello @s1s1s1sg, yes and we're planning to release debian 11 os image for tinker board 2s soon
  7. tooz

    ssh is not working

    hello @Mahendra, will need more information to debug: 1. what's the tinker os version that you're using? 2. what's the ssh program you're using/ steps to reproduce the issue
  8. hello @lepton16, to disable hdmi completely you'll need to modify some kernel codes, however it will make a very difference in terms of power consumption -- i'd suggest to not plug the hdmi monitor if you're not using it, so it won't consume power via hdmi port. you can try using this command to disable wi-fi: nmcli radio wifi off apparently there are various ways to do so, it might be easier to have a look at volumio community or super best audio friends
  9. hello @nishi and @Thinh Nguyen, you can control the vbus power through echo commands 1. check the kernel version with command: uname -a keep in mind that if you're using a usb keyboard, the power will be off immediately after you execute the echo off command. if you wish to turn it back on without reboot, please: 1. use a type c keyboard, or 2. connect tinker board to a pc with a ttys dongle so the commands can be executed from the putty console here are the commands to control the vbus power: linux4.4 debian10 (v.2.0.20 2023/07/13 and later): TypeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus TypeC port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus linux4.19 debian10 (v.2.1.16 2023/07/14 and later): TypeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus TypeC port (for cc chip fusb302): echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus TypeC port (for cc chip rt1715): echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type linux5.10 debian11 (v.3.0.6 2023/07/31 and later): typeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fe900000.usb/hub_vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fe900000.usb/hub_vbus TypeC port (both fusb302 & rt1715 use the same commands): echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type android12 (v.3.0.2 2023/07/13 and later): typeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/hub_vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/hub_vbus typeC port (for cc chip fusb302): echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/hub_vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/hub_vbus TypeC port (for cc chip rt1715): echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type
  10. hello @skubeda, if your windows pc is not recognising tinker board as a universal mass storage perhaps you want to look at this post on microsoft community and update the driver accodingly: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/usb-mass-storage-driver/6cb297a3-d35e-4daf-888c-66bba5e2c34a
  11. hello @skubeda, glad to hear the problems been solved
  12. hello @skubeda, i’m not in the office and don’t have a tinker board in hand but will try reproduce your case on monday when i’m back. was tinker board recognized as a mass storage usb when you flashed it?
  13. hello @skubeda, 1. are you using tinker board a, or tinker board s r2.0? 2. was the power led indicator on when you’re using it? 3. is the debian os you currently using a sdcard image or it’s flashed onto emmc?
  14. tooz


    hello @shenouda, for now rk3399pro supports yolov5, yolov7 and yolox reference: rknn_model_zoo/models/CV/object_detection/yolo at main · airockchip/rknn_model_zoo · GitHub
  15. hello @Yakiug, are the logs kept? may i have a look at it?
  16. hello @Alvin Kwek, there are 2 sets of uart on the 40pin header (uart0 & uart4), one is for console, and the other one will require pin soldering https://tinker-board.asus.com/images/doc/download/Tinker_Board_2_Schematics_20201214.pdf
  17. hello @giseleznev, i didn't see anything that relates to i2c-6 from your dmesg result. have you used 1. another device and see if the 40 pin header works? 2. check the hardware signal? i don't have the a si5351 so i use a rtc for testing, vcc3.3v=pin1, sda=pin3, scl=pin5, gnd=pin9 sudo vim /boot/config.txt intf:i2c6=on save and reboot sudo i2cdetect -y 6
  18. hello @giseleznev, 1. have you made a reboot after saving the config.txt? 2. what's the result of this command? 3. by empty, does it mean that only slave address is shown but the device is not found?
  19. hello @giseleznev, what's the config.txt that you modified and what's the i2c device you connected to?
  20. hello @manaasch and @roro, please try using the latest android 11 os v.2.0.14: Tinker Board 2 Android 11 V2.0.14
  21. hello @Yakiug, sorry for the hassles. looks like tinker board 2s' been recognised as a ums device, which is correct, my guess is that the .img might be broken, i've sent the download link of v.2.0.14 (debian 10, kernel 4.4) via dm, please try using the .img and see if it can be flashed onto sd/ tinker board 2s correctly the os download list issue is now fixed: Tinker Board (asus.com)
  22. hello @Yakiug, how are you using the board? we can try reproduce the issue there seems to be an issue on our website, please select 'tinker board 2' first instead, will update when it's fixed: https://tinker-board.asus.com/download-list.html?product=tinker-board-2
  23. hello @snk, it's not supported on tinker board r2.0
  24. hello @timharron, the standard rate: 115200 and the maximum rate is 1500000
  25. hello @Hashimoto Kenichi, both devtype and devnum need to be set, please try using the uboot sources from: TinkerBoard2/u-boot (github.com) TinkerBoard2/u-boot at linux4.19-rk3399-debian10 (github.com) kernel base = 4.19
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