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  1. Hi, I compared GPIO access speed between RaspberryPi4 and TinkerBoard2S. After setting GPIO1 to HIGH, I processed GPIO2 to LOW immediately. I observed the waveforms with an oscilloscope. As a result, TinkerBoard2S was much slower. I think TinkerBoard2S has better performance, but why? Please let me know if there is a way to access GPIO faster with TinkerBoard2S. The software are as follows. RaspberryPi4 ・OS RaspberryPiOS 64bit ・C language with BCM2835 library TinkerBoard2S ・OS Deabian 64bit ・C language with WiringPi library best regards,
  2. The image above is Android Studio using mraa-2.2.0.aar. I need Uart control Tinker Board 2S. However, when you build an app through Tinkerboard using the mraa library, the app dies with the following error. [java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "libmraajava.so" not found] The error is suspect. I can't find libmraajava.so . However, the mraa-2.2.0.aar file does not contain libmraajava.so in jni. https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/Developer-Guide#mraa-library-for-android It doesn't work with what I received from the official address above, so what's the problem? Code for the problem mraaJNI.class found by debugging. Additionally, when executing code to call GPIO, you get a [ libmraajava.so not found ] error as you go to the static try {} catch {} just above import mraa.Gpio import mraa.Dir var gpio = Gpio(1) // error code start...
  3. Hello, When we put "intf:fiq_debugger=off" line to config.txt and removed WiFi card (as the device we're sending to our customers does not require WiFi/BT, TInkerBoard simply won't boot. It's stuck after the messages about cfg80211 loading certificates (as shown in the attached photo). Do you have maybe any solution or workaround for this issue? Best regards, Jovan
  4. I am currently working on the Tinker Board project (Application that using GUI). Recently, I had to replace the Tinker Board logo with our product's logo on kernal that I have cloned from github. I followed the instructions mentioned in Developer Guide · TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard Wiki (github.com) However, I am not sure if the kernel image that I compiled from TinkerBoard2/kernel (github.com) is optimized for Debian. Can you confirm if it is optimized and compatible with Debian? Or suggestion the step to make it work
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