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Everything posted by JasonS

  1. Hi, @tooz Based on the spec of rk3288, I think it should be able to support baud rate higher than 115200. I need to communicate with another module with 230400. I also tried that on Tinker Board 2S and the incoming text is correct but the sent data from Tinker Board is corrupted. the dmesg from Tinker Board 2S is something like invalid destination resolution act_w = 0, act_h = 0 rga: req argument is inval ttyS0 - failed to request DMA, use interrupt mode I have tried another dev board Rock Pi 4 which is also based on rk3399 and that works well with 230400.
  2. Hi, I try the UART1 (/dev/ttyS1) on Tinker OS. I find that when I set baud rate to 230400, the data gets corrupted. Is that a driver bug? or simply because the baud rate isn't supported? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi, I follow the guide in https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/Developer-Guide#kernel-419 to build the kernel with docker. However, after successfully running ./docker_builder/docker-builder-run.sh I don't find any build.sh in the working directory. Is there any step missing? or which repo should I clone into my working directory?
  4. Same here. I think /dev/sdd4 (or /dev/mmcblk1p4) are the location for boot.img But the build script from How to Compile Debian Kernel for Tinker Board.md for rk3288 only produces zImage, dtb and modules. Is there any script similar to make ARCH=arm64 rk3399-tinker_board_2.img CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -j8 but for rk3288 tinkerboard?
  5. Hi there, I would like to replace the RPi4 with Tinker Board and the most important feature is the USB ethernet gadget, which is relatively easy to setup on RPi4. Is there any way to disable the ASUS default USB OTG function and add custom function on Tinker Board (either Tinker Board 2 or Tinker Board R2.0)? When I try to write any folder/file into /sys/kernel/config/usb_gadget it is always rejected with the error: Cannot allocate memory Thanks in advance.
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