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  1. @tooz Is there any other way to read two webcams in one code? I'm using Tinker Edge R. This device cannot read more than one webcam.
  2. Two webcams were connected in the tinker edge. `cv2.open()` works well for two webcams, but only one webcam can be read. How do I `cv2.read()` two webcams at the same time?
  3. Thank you very much. I almost gave up. I'll give it a try. I have one more question. Two webcams were connected in the tinker edge. 'cv2.open' works well for two webcams, but only one webcam can be read. How do I 'cv2.read' two webcams at the same time?
  4. I installed devian10 on tinker-edge-r. The following error occurred as soon as cv2.imshow() was performed with the test code. And I try to apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev and pkg-config. How can I resolve the error?
  5. I got a same issue. Can't flash devian v10. It makes me crazy.
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