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  1. hi @tooz, I solved the docker installation error using installation script below. Thank you!
  2. hi @tooz, Thanks for your reply. Background: My targeted Tinkerboard software is supported by docker in TinkerOS Debian-Stretch-V1.0.4, but not sure is it supported in TinkerOS @Debian 10. Therefore I would like to install docker in Stretch. My board information: Tinkerboard edge R (R1.01) OS image: Tinker_Edge_R-Debian-Stretch-V1.0.4-20200615.zip I tried your "(updated/ easier way to install)", Errors and related commands are listed below: No errors before that. I tried download docker from https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/dists/stretch/stable/binary-arm64/Packages then I try install using "apt install ./Packages" but not working. Would you please advise me on how to install docker for Debian stretch? BTW, in command below, I assume you mean "https" instead of htts. Thank you very much @tooz!
  3. Hi, Is this "(updated/ easier way to install" applicable to Debian GNU/Linux 9.9 (stretch) for Tinkerboard? If yes, there is no 'iptable-legacy' in my tinkerboard. if no, is there new way of installation for Debian 9.9 (stretch)? Thanks!
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