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Vova Efcom

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  1. I want to purchase a dedicated 4 pin female connector to power the TinkerBoard from other power source. Can you please send me the exact PN of the desired female connector so I can order it from the DigiKey or Mouser. Thanks
  2. Hi, Thanks for your help. The problem was that the flat cable that arrived right from the vendor was upside-down. I change the direction and it worked
  3. I can' t do the second method because I cannot locate the ./bmpconvert file
  4. I have difficulties in isntalling the ILITEK Touchpanel on the Asus Tinker Board 3N (Debian version) The system recognize the device, however the TP is not responding
  5. Thank you! Should I install the TinkerBoard kernel first? Because I can't find the needed directory
  6. Hi everybody! I need to replace the starting logo "Asus Tinker Board" with a custom one. Does anybody knows how to do it? If there is a way to disappear the Kernel Load.? The goal is: when the TInker Board starts, there is a custom logo and the OS right after it. I am using the original Debian image from the Asus site.
  7. Hi, I need to change the startup logo to another one. Where can I change it? Thanks (Asus Tinker Board 3N)
  8. Vova Efcom


    Many thanks! It is working!
  9. Vova Efcom


    Hi, I've tried this before, but no luck. Should I be entering the password somewhere else? I've attached a screenshot of the lightdm.conf file. Maybe I’m doing something wrong? Thanks!
  10. Vova Efcom


    Hi, I have the TinkeBoard 3N I am using the original Asus OS (Debian based GUI) I need the system to start up without requesting the username and password How can I do it? Thanks
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