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  1. The image above is Android Studio using mraa-2.2.0.aar. I need Uart control Tinker Board 2S. However, when you build an app through Tinkerboard using the mraa library, the app dies with the following error. [java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dlopen failed: library "libmraajava.so" not found] The error is suspect. I can't find libmraajava.so . However, the mraa-2.2.0.aar file does not contain libmraajava.so in jni. https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/Developer-Guide#mraa-library-for-android It doesn't work with what I received from the official address above, so what's the problem? Code for the problem mraaJNI.class found by debugging. Additionally, when executing code to call GPIO, you get a [ libmraajava.so not found ] error as you go to the static try {} catch {} just above import mraa.Gpio import mraa.Dir var gpio = Gpio(1) // error code start...
  2. Hi I've just start Tinker 2S (Debian ver) user. It's very cool small computer and enjoy to connect camera. I'm using MIPI cam(IMX219) . GStreamer pipeline command line is no problem showing video. But try to integrate python code, no response from camera. I want to ask you guys how should I do. below is test python code. python 3.7.3 Opencv version =opencv-python numpy 1.21.6 pip 22.1.2
  3. I am new to the tinker board 2s and i tried to instal tinker os but i didn't had video input but i had red light , i tried to plug my pc keyboard and and nothing . after i replug the power , the board show the red light for a couple of seconds . I am scared that i damaged my board
  4. Hello, I'm using the tinker board 2s when I used raspberry Pi, I made the entire SD card Data into an image file and backed it up. However, in the case of tinker board 2s, when OS is installed, the partition is divided into several parts, and when sd card is inserted into the PC, the data on the SD card cannot be accessed. How can I backup the Tinker board?
  5. I wanted to use an Arduino compatible machine and tried to make a driver for CH34x but couldn't. (Tinker Board 2 Debian 10 V2.0.0) I tried the method posted on this site. https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ch340-drivers/linux I put the linux header like this. wget https://github.com/TinkerBoard2/kernel/releases/download/tinker_board_2-debian_10-2.0.0/linux-headers-4.4.194_4.4.194-1_arm64.deb dpkg -i linux-headers-4.4.194_4.4.194-1_arm64.deb Has anyone succeeded? Or, if you have an installable ch34x.ko, I would appreciate it if you could share it. sudo insmod ch34x.ko As a side note, in the case of Tinker board S, Arduino compatible machines were recognized without installing any drivers. (Tinker Board S Debian 10 V3.0.11) Thank you.
  6. Hi, Did anyone manage to get root tinker2s in Android 10? Thanks in advance
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