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Cloning TinkerBoard SD Card

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Hi Guys,

After using Raspberry Pi for a long time, I have just started using TinkerBoard R2.0. It's very similar to RPi and I really like it. But I need your help with the following issue:

Issue: How to save tinkerBoard SD Card Image to laptop as 'Img' (or some other format) file which can then be used to write more such SD cards? 

"Win32DiskImager" software does not even detect the SD card which successfully boots on TinkerBoard R2.  It works perfectly fine with Raspberry Pi Images though.




Edited by DSehrawat

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Thank you for the response. But I am running windows 11 and it does not recognize the SD card USB drive (attaching snapshot). Can you please tell us how will it work for Windows 11?

Edition    Windows 11 Pro
Version    21H2
Installed on    ‎16-‎12-‎2021
OS build    22000.856
Experience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.856.0



Edited by DSehrawat

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Also, on the Linux machine it's showing several SDA driver when I insert USB drive (with Tinker board SD card). Please have a look at the snapshot below.

So, not sure which one to use as 'X' in your mentioned command:
sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdX of=TB.img status=progress && sync



Edited by DSehrawat

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hello @DSehrawat,

if you execute lsblk before and after the card insert, the node can be observed from the differences --  say if sda8 is missing when the card's pulled out, then chances are sda8 presents the micro sd card. 

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hello @DSehrawat

then you can 

sudo dd bs=4M if=/dev/sdof=TB.img status=progress && sync

make sure you have enough storage for the file, if not you can use an external storage just in case

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