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Thinh Nguyen

Control USB 3.0 VBus by software.

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I have a Tinker board 2S and I would like to control USB 3.0 VBUS to turn on/off devices that connected to USB port. Does this board support controlling USB Power?

I also look at schemtic, please look at the picture below (Attached)


Can USB3_EN be control by software?


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I've come across this thread and realized that the original question hasn't been answered yet.
I am also interested in this topic, and I'm wondering if anyone could provide some insights or experiences related to this.

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.

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hello @nishi and @Thinh Nguyen

you can control the vbus power through echo commands

1. check the kernel version with command: 

uname -a

keep in mind that if you're using a usb keyboard, the power will be off immediately after you execute the echo off command. if you wish to turn it back on without reboot, please: 1. use a type c keyboard, or 2. connect tinker board to a pc with a ttys dongle so the commands can be executed from the putty console

here are the commands to control the vbus power:

linux4.4 debian10 (v.2.0.20 2023/07/13 and later):

TypeA port:

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus

TypeC port:

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus


linux4.19 debian10 (v.2.1.16 2023/07/14 and later):

TypeA port:

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus

TypeC port (for cc chip fusb302):

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus

TypeC port (for cc chip rt1715):

echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type
echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type


linux5.10 debian11 (v.3.0.6  2023/07/31 and later):

typeA port:

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fe900000.usb/hub_vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fe900000.usb/hub_vbus

TypeC port (both fusb302 & rt1715 use the same commands):

echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type
echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type


android12 (v.3.0.2 2023/07/13 and later):

typeA port:

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/hub_vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/hub_vbus

typeC port (for cc chip fusb302):

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/hub_vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/hub_vbus

TypeC port (for cc chip rt1715):

echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type
echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type


Edited by tooz
updated supported versions (with dates)
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Hello. I followed your instruction about usb-c.

I use "linux4.4 debian10".

echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus
echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus

The result is 

-bash: /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus: Permission denied

I cannot find vbus as follows.

~# ls /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/
ep0in   ep1in   ep2in   ep3in   ep4in   ep5in   ep6in       mode     testmode
ep0out  ep1out  ep2out  ep3out  ep4out  ep5out  link_state  regdump

I would be grateful if you could help me.

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hello @sonyan11

33 minutes ago, sonyan11 said:

~# ls /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/ ep0in ep1in ep2in ep3in ep4in ep5in ep6in mode testmode ep0out ep1out ep2out ep3out ep4out ep5out link_state regdump

what's the image version you're using? if it's not on the list then the function might not have been added -- my bad. i have updated my previous post with versions that support usb vbus control. for debian 10 kernel 4.4, please use v.2.0.20 or later 

  • Thanks 1

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Dear @tooz

Thank you so much, I have updated kenel and have successfully control the vbus.

I am super happy to get this result. I deeply appreciate your contribution to this forum.

Best regards,


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