skubeda 0 Posted June 29, 2023 Hi, I can't get access to the eMMC on my two tinkerboard S. I am currently running a Debian strech version on them. But I need the buster version now. So I went thru the guidelines "Rewriting the OS using UMS from a micro SD card" in order to install the buster version. A Guide to Recovery and Flash - Android - Tinker Board Forum ( Tried different SD cards, different Windows PC's, different cables. I made sure that I am in maskmode.... It doesn't change anything. My Windows PC are not seeing the eMMC. I also checked what OS is booting. For sure it was the Android from the microSD card (not the debian version from the eMMC). I tried the Tinker Board Android 7 Nougat V14.4.0.22 (BETA) and Tinker Board Android 7 Nougat V14.4.0.14 as well as TinkerOS_Android v14.4.0.5. No difference. I tried this on both tinkerboard S. No difference. I am missing something??? Help would be appricated. Juergen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tooz 53 Posted June 29, 2023 hello @skubeda, 1. are you using tinker board a, or tinker board s r2.0? 2. was the power led indicator on when you’re using it? 3. is the debian os you currently using a sdcard image or it’s flashed onto emmc? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skubeda 0 Posted June 29, 2023 Hi tooz, I am using a tinkerboad S Rev 1.01. When I i am using it with Debian Streach the red power indicator was on. The current debian is running from the emmc. I am also getting the maskmode working. It is booting from the sd-card. I have connected via HDMI a monitor so I am seeing the Android desktop. However, if I am connecting the usb to a PC (also a Mac) nothing is happening. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skubeda 0 Posted June 30, 2023 Can anyone who went thru the same process let me know which image you used to write to the microSD card? Maybe i am not using the right one. The manual just says with UMS UBOOT. I might not use the right one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tooz 53 Posted July 1, 2023 hello @skubeda, i’m not in the office and don’t have a tinker board in hand but will try reproduce your case on monday when i’m back. was tinker board recognized as a mass storage usb when you flashed it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skubeda 0 Posted July 1, 2023 Hi tooz, finally I got it working. It was actually the USB cable, to be precise, both USB cable. This morning I gave it another try. Other SD card and changed the USB cable. And it is working. Juergen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tooz 53 Posted July 1, 2023 hello @skubeda, glad to hear the problems been solved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skubeda 0 Posted July 1, 2023 Hi tooz, it wasn't the cable. Tried to update my second tinkerboard S. Didn't work. Went back to the first once. Also wasn't working ☹️ Long story short. BalencaEtcher was seeing the eMMc drive. Not Windows. After I selected the eMMc in Etcher, Windows also recognized the drive. Finally I have upgraded both tinkerboard's. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tooz 53 Posted July 3, 2023 hello @skubeda, if your windows pc is not recognising tinker board as a universal mass storage perhaps you want to look at this post on microsoft community and update the driver accodingly: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.DDC 0 Posted December 19, 2023 Hello, I have bought two Tinker Board Edge T and cannot get any response from those. I followed all Forum's posts regarding this issue. After having changed all elements (cables, SD card, Windows PC/ Linux PC), I am unable to find any hint of how to go ahead. They arrived on Friday and it's been a long WE and Monday without any progress. I have no issues working with Tinker Board 2s... Since the deadline is near, I will return them tomorrow morning and forget about them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tooz 53 Posted December 19, 2023 hello @Dr.DDC, was the board completely dead? here's a little tutorial on how to boot the board: Asus Tinker Edge T - First Boot Tutorial - YouTube Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.DDC 0 Posted December 22, 2023 Hello Tooz, Thank you for your prompt reply. Actually, I strictly followed the videos from Edgecate. I appreciate your sharing them. No, the boards are not dead. They simply stay in their "Red LED On" State and fan spinning @full speed, stopping a bit later (depending on the ISO image). The real problem is that Windows does not detect either card as a peripheral or as storage ("unknown" is the one peripheral that appears on the Device Manager, image attached). I actually succeeded once with the first card so I attempted flashing (the script simply hanged waiting to "Detect a device"... so I followed your procedure and flashed a second SD card with recovery.img: no rebooting either, unfortunately). The second card did not react even once. I get the same behavior under Windows and Linux, however I can see some response regarding under linux using lsusb; it shows different results when using a flashed Mendel SO and the recovery.img . Under Windows your latest driver did not help either. I am out of options. Could you please tell me where I should look for more details ? I may have missed some "default" tool chain like ADB or something else this board family requires. I can also use Wireshark or other tools. Tooz, I have to make a final decision about your board today. On the surface, there is simply no response, as many other posts in this forum explain... really astonished of how frustrating this is. For once, I need to focus on the AI and other product aspects. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tooz 53 Posted December 22, 2023 hello @Dr.DDC, if tinker edge t is not recognised by your windows pc then it's likely some driver dependency issue, i have uploaded the drivers and tools i've used here: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.DDC 0 Posted December 22, 2023 Actually, I tested on 3 Windows 10 & 11 PCs plus 2 Linux machines. Your link took me to the latest driver I already downloaded on Sunday and tested with no positive results. I am currently trying to go forward using a new (other) Windows 11 machine. Tooz, please tell me where I can get a trace of what your boards do, so I can give you detailed technical information. The boot up process should be somehow debug-able, isn't it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tooz 53 Posted December 22, 2023 hello @Dr.DDC, there are a few possible reasons: 1. the system on module is loosely inserted -- please check if the google som is inserted properly 2. hardware issue (i'll need more information to check if it's the case) the fastest way to debug is to use an uart serial dongle/ putty and see if there's output for boot process: ground: pin6, tx: pin8, rx: pin10; buad rate: 115200 [tinker edge t]: dip switches set to emmc mode: (on, off, off, off), short the power pins how i flash tinker edge t: 1. connect tinker edge t with an hdmi monitor & a windows pc 2. [tinker edge t] short the power pins until the fan starts turning; you should see the desktop on the hdmi monitor once the fan stops 3. [tinker edge t] click the terminal icon on the top left and use the command to reboot bootloader sudo reboot-bootloader 4. [tinker edge t] tinker edge t is now stops at bootloader; [windows pc] tinker edge t should be recognised as asus android bootloader interface; click flash.cmd to flash the board 5. [tinker edge t] wait till the flashing is finished and reboot the board Share this post Link to post Share on other sites