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Interested in config.xml and why certain attributes chosen.

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I am looking inside config.xml and I see the config_disableUsbPermissionDialogs being set to true. I cloned the source code specifically to make this true since the Odroid N2+ does not override it like this. I am wondering, though, why do you do this? 

Is there some documentation somewhere also explaining what customisable things we can do with the Tinkerboard 2S? Is there an option for Kiosk mode, or will I have to do that through the OS source? 


Thanks for all help and advice. 

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hello @lloydhussell

the reason why this bool is set to true is to disable the usb permission dialog popup.

On 10/16/2023 at 11:21 PM, lloydhussell said:

Is there some documentation somewhere also explaining what customisable things we can do with the Tinkerboard 2S? Is there an option for Kiosk mode, or will I have to do that through the OS source? 


we unfortunately don't have any documentation for this. checking aosp docs (like this: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/android12-release/core/res/res/values/config.xml ) would be the best solution if you'd like to customize tinker board 2s

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It's set to true to disable the dialog, not false. Which is what I want, of course. 

But I am more curious as to what the reasoning is for overriding this AOSP configuration attribute is. 

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Hello. Is there any update on this? I'd like to know what the internal decision was to disable these popups for tinkerboards? If that is okay for me to know, of course. 

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