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A test forum that may be removed at any time

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Hello All..

test forum for fixed 12 line code box... 

This is line # 1...
This is line # 2...
This is line # 3...
This is line # 4...
This is line # 5...
This is line # 6...
This is line # 7...
This is line # 8...
This is line # 9...
This is line # 10...
This is line # 11...
This is line # 12...
This is line # 13... ;-[[[...

soooooo... is there a way to have a fixed height 12 line code box like before ;-]... ????


love the nested table.. & with div formatting ]]]]].........

1a 2a 3a



1b 2b
3b 4b
7a 8a
1c 2c 3c 4c 5c

<ctrl> & [right click] is your friend ;-]... for Table properties... 

table a is 3 by 3... 500px width...
table b is 2 by 2... 100% width...
table c is 1 by 5... 100% width...
table d is 2 by 1... 100% width...
table e is 1 by 1... 100% width...
can use div formatting for table background colour...

This is line # 1xx...

This is line # 1xx...


-------------------- nice... 
hope this helps,

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ok... how do you edit old post ?

can you edit old post ????

please say yes ;-]...
Edited by k247tEK

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hello again,

Can you add YouTube videos now ?

aaaaaaah noooo ;-[...

link to video...


also... nooo joy with.. 3.7 mb · Upload Failed of ___.mp4 file....

how to delete old post post or thread ? or can you ? ]]]]]...... 

once you post.. you get short time to edit.. then.. its there 4ever... ]]]....


what is a spoiler box... ???

---------------------- ?
keep on trying,


Edited by k247tEK

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