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Mauricio Lucas

Use SPI V2 for mfrc522

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Hello, I try to run the lib mfrc522 python (for RFID reader), but it's just the Raspberry card. I changed the lib to use Asus.GPIO, but it doesn't work with spiV2.

Does the Asus tinker have any libs or modifications that I can use with the RFID-RC522 reader?

Edited by Mauricio Lucas

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17 hours ago, Mauricio Lucas said:


Hello, I try to run the lib mfrc522 python (for RFID reader), but it's just the Raspberry card. I changed the lib to use Asus.GPIO, but it doesn't work with spiV2.

Does the Asus tinker have any libs or modifications that I can use with the RFID-RC522 reader?

Hello @Mauricio Lucas

could you tell us how you set up the device? perhaps we can troubleshoot by going through your steps/ error logs, thank you.

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