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  4. hello @Cha.JH, android 12 is supported on tinker board 2s and the image can be downloaded here: Tinker Board 2 /2S Android 12 V3.0.2
  5. Can you upload rockchip to Android OS 12 image and release a version? I have ESP32 and Tinker Board 2S. I need to use Tinker Board's Uart as well, and I also need connection to ESP 32's Access Point To do this, Android OS Version must be 12 or higher. Also, rockchip must be included within the OS for use with the Tinker Board (Reference URL: https://github.com/TinkerBoard-Android/rockchip-android-manifest) Is it possible to distribute including a rock chip within Android OS 12 version in the near future?
  6. tooz

    OS Andorid

    hello @Augusto Hertz, yes, we're planning to have the first release of android image for tinker board 3 soon
  7. Augusto Hertz

    OS Andorid

    What is the forecast for the launch of the Android image?
  8. Earlier
  9. hello @Kebin.h, if you must use csi cameras, we'd suggest you to stick to the existing products that are csi-enabled, or stay tuned for the future product updates
  10. tinker 3 , csi camera remove Most efficient for existing csi users Please give me an alternative.
  11. Nige

    Lock screen ignored

    Thanks - I found that but it also didn't work. light-locker seemed not to be installed by default. sudo apt install light-locker (IIRC) did the trick.
  12. tooz

    Lock screen ignored

    hello @Nige, i guess the hotkey you're looking for is ctrl+alt+L (xflock); xflock calls light-locker to lock the screen
  13. Hi, Installed the default linux OS on a tinker board 2S. Once logged in the lock screen option just doesn't work - either from the top right menu, or (more annoyingly) the win-L key combo. Work around is to "switch user" but I'd really like to know how lock screen is broken! Thanks
  14. tooz

    Touch Screen

    hello @hisataro, sure, and in case you want to try on debian -- modify /boot/config.txt and reboot sudo vi /boot/config.txt intf:i2c7=on overlay=i2c7_egalax
  15. hisataro

    Touch Screen

    Hello, @tooz Thanks for your hot reply, I'll try it and let you know the results! (It will take a while to get the parts.
  16. I bought an asus tinkerboard in the states. everything works nice I have an isssusae with no sound: hdmi, bluetooth, and a hard wirre. please advise i have an old hp eleitebook i would like to make this myu main computer. All I am missing is sound.
  17. tooz

    Touch Screen

    hello @hisataro, you can enable egalax touch driver through overlay in tinker config app 1. open tinker config app > interface > set 'i2c7' to on 2. open tinker config app > overlay > check 'i2c7_egalax' and then reboot to make the changes come effective
  18. hisataro

    Touch Screen

    Hello, Can I use a touch panel that is compatible with egalax touch? Also, please let me know if there are any touch panels that have been proven to work with egalax touch. > Tinker Board 2 /2S Android 11 V2.0.14 > Release Notes: > * Change log > 1. Touch: Add eGalax_Touch_Screenx.idc to set the touchscreen type
  19. Thank you tooz. This Board was given to me as a gift, but I believe it may have been purchased through Amazon. Also the closest repair center I can see is 892.6km or 554.6 miles at a Microcenter in Dallas, TX. I have found the live hat I will try reaching out to them tomorrow.. Thanks again for your help.
  20. hello @Didjya7, please contact the distributor (where the board was purchased) or customer service through: https://www.asus.com/support/service-center-location/
  21. Sorry for all the typos these messages were typed on a Rii Rk707 2.4GHz Wireless Controller Mini Keyboard Combo.
  22. I have tried contacting Asus tinkerboard division in the past regarding product specifications but they never replied. I have submitted my warranty claim today but I am worried they will not respond to me regarding that either. Any suggestions. Also my tinkerboard just decided to stop booting not sure why. it doesn;t have a case, but it was on a silicone mat for pcbs that is staic safe. Nothing touched while it was running so it didn't short out, I have an air purifier in the roomsor there not alot of dust, it has a passive heat sink so it shouldn't have overheated, it was connected to a 5v 2.4 amp usb charger it arrived with, and it was booting into android just fine the day before.
  23. You're a star, @tooz! Exactly what I was looking for 🙂 Thank you very much!
  24. hello @esperal, my bad, i thought you're talking about tinker board and tinker board 2s, please try cat /proc/boardid this command instead:
  25. hello @tooz Problem solved. Thank you very much.
  26. hello @Shin, 1. for kernel 5.10, please replace files in gpio_lib_c_rk3399 with https://www.asuswebstorage.com/navigate/a/#/s/3059D9ACD7AF4D849E68AB69661499C84 2. and then rebuild and install wiringpi libraries: cd /usr/local/share/gpio_lib_c_rk3399 sudo ./build clean sudo ./build uninstall sudo ./build
  27. Thank you, @tooz. Unfortunately, it only shows 'Tinker Board 2' in both V1 and V2 cases.
  28. hello @esperal, you can check the hardware version with command: cat /proc/boardinfo
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