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Everything posted by yi-hsin_hung

  1. Hi @Turtley: Please reference the https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/Developer-Guide#mraa-library-for-android Thank a lot!
  2. Hi @shizimi: Could you try the other gpio pin about the condition. I can't reproduce the issue by local test. Thank a lot!
  3. Hi @shizimi: How do you measure the 29 pin about 3.3v? Could you help to read the value of 29 pin by "gpio readall" command. Thank a lot!
  4. Hi @ESVR: Did you have convert the model by edgetpu_compiler for edgetpu tflite model. Thank a lot! https://coral.ai/docs/edgetpu/compiler/
  5. Hi @hisataro: Good news about this. It's a good experience for us. Thanks!
  6. Hi @JasonWu: Have nice day! Thank you for your test. I think it's a compatible question with some hardware devices. Maybe you can change the relay for your project on Tinker Board 2 at first. Thank a lot!
  7. Hi @JasonWu Excuse me! Did you know which pins can work normally with Buzzer relay device? Thank a lot!
  8. Hi @hisataro: Have a nice day! The mraa android library can be included by the following code on Android studio and we didn't support C# at current. import mraa.*; Thank a lot!
  9. Hi @JasonWu: Could you help to remove the buzzer and then test again for gpio 40 pin? Thank a lot!
  10. Hi @CyberT: Have nice day! It's good information for us and wish you have good experience on Tinker Board 2. ^_^
  11. Hi @mozcelikors Please reference the newest TEE documents from Rockchip. Thank a lot! Rockchip_Developer_Guide_TEE_SDK_CN.pdf
  12. Hi @JasonWu: Please help to check the video(gpio40pin_python.MOV) test about 40 pin. The functions work normally on 2.0.4 version image. Did you check whether the /boot/config.txt had set something for gpio 40 pin? Thank a lot! gpio40pin_python.MOV
  13. Hi @JasonWu: Excuse me! Didn't you connect any device to 40 pin and then the pin status can change normally by gpio readall? I look your code to pull low the 40 pin from your picture. The GPIO.output(SEEP, GPIO.LOW) should let the 40 pin to low. Did RPI4 GPIO.output(SEEP, GPIO.LOW) let the value to high? Thank a lot!
  14. Hi @JasonWu: Nice to meet you. Could you help to provide the test steps and the information of relay device to us! I think the 39 (GND) should has effect for relay. Maybe you could also try 1 pin (3.3v) for your relay. Thank a lot!
  15. yi-hsin_hung


    Hi @giove511 Why did you need the PLC codesys software? You could use the node-red for the ui programming. Thank a lot!
  16. Hi @Sohrab: Please reference the following wiki for Tinker Board 2 (RK3399) mraa library on Android. https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/Developer-Guide#mraa-library-for-android
  17. Hi @bakami: Maybe you can check the contents of slave address 0x49 device by the following command to dump information. Thank a lot! sudo i2cdump -y 1 0x49
  18. Hi @CyberT: The config table's naming of asus gpio input and output node are for Tinker Board S. And, the packages are development by third party member(https://github.com/tinycore-hisanori/node-red-contrib-tinkeros-gpio). But, i think it is compatible with Tinker Board 2 about gpio pin number. You can replace the attachment file to /home/linaro/.node-red/node-moduels/red-contrib-tinkeros-gpio/nrgpio.sh file and asus output node would work by add sudo permission for Tinker Board 2. Please help to try and verify it. Thank a lot! nrgpio.sh
  19. Hi @hasank: Please reference the following information about ASUS GPIO python. https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/User-Guide#gpio-config-table-for-tinker-board-2s The library have been installed by default. Thank a lot!
  20. yi-hsin_hung


    Hi @jeein: The /usr/local/share/gpio_lib_python_rk3399 have installed by default. Why do you need to reinstall it? Thank a lot!
  21. Hi @Jmonnz: Which image version did you use? Have any steps about test uart functions? Thank a lot!
  22. Hi @ImHoTePHuN: Could you use the wiringPi C library for TinkerBoard 2S because TinkerBoard 2S didn't support "System.Device.Gpio" 2.1.0 library in VS in C# now. Please reference the following information: - Tinker Board 2S wiki https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/User-Guide#gpio-config-table-for-tinker-board-2s - WiringPi library API and functions: http://wiringpi.com/ Thank a lot!
  23. Hi @Fu-.: Please reference the following information. About gpio readall says Pin#7(GPIO ? is GPIOB0, NOT CLKOUT. --> You need to modify the /boot/config.txt by the following to enable test_clkout2 #intf:test_clkout2=off --> intf:test_clkout2=on ##### Hardware Interface Config ##### ## Note: uart4 and spi1 are the same pins. Set the latter one while both on. ## intf:fiq_debugger=on #intf:uart0=off #intf:uart4=off intf:i2c6=on #intf:i2c7=off #intf:i2s0=off #intf:spdif=off #intf:spi1=off #intf:spi5=off #intf:pwm0=off #intf:pwm1=off #intf:pwm3a=off #intf:test_clkout2=off
  24. Hi @JulianR: Which version image do you use? If you don't config by gpio tools and just read by gpio readall command, could you get the right status by link the pin to 3.3v or GND? Thank a lot!
  25. Hi @Charlie and @JulianR: The gpio_lib_c source path of TInker Board 2 locate /usr/local/share/gpio_lib_c_rk3399 in system. We have prebuild and install the library in release image. And, you can include it directly Did you have other requirements and need to rebuild the library? Thank a lot!
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