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3 pointscould you guys release 1 for kernel 5.15.x please? or share how we can compile our own kernels?
2 pointsHi guys. Let me share Android 11 for Tinkerboard / Tinkerboard S 1-st revision (not R2.0) which Asus marked as outdated/legacy. You can find download link below: Download Android 11 ROM Tinkerboard (not R2.0) Bug reporting are welcome. Release is based on official Asus firmware for Tinkerboard S R2.0.
2 pointsHi everybody, Recently, I have been trying to run some bare metal code on my Tinker Board 2. I managed to compile ARM Trusted Firmware - A successfully with these commands: % git clone https://github.com/ARM-software/arm-trusted-firmware.git tf-a % cd tf-a % export CROSS_COMPILE=~/Developer/Toolchains/aarch64-none-elf/bin/aarch64-none-elf- % make PLAT=rk3399 After that, I tried to build U-Boot with these commands (the CROSS_COMPILE variable is set from previous commands): % git clone https://github.com/TinkerBoard2/u-boot.git uboot % cd uboot % export BL31=../tf-a/build/rk3399/release/bl31/bl31.elf % export KBUILD_OUTPUT=build % make tinker2_defconfig % make This, unfortunately failed with this error: DTC arch/arm/dts/rk3036-sdk.dtb Error: arch/arm/dts/.rk3036-sdk.dtb.pre.tmp:77.1-10 syntax error FATAL ERROR: Unable to parse input tree I tried to fix the problem, and I thought removing 'rk3036-sdk.dtb' from 'arch/arm/dts/Makefile' could work since it seemed to be the device tree of another board that I was building for, which happened to be ill formed. That made the problem disappear, but the same thing happened for 'rk3368-lion.dtb', 'rk3368-sheep.dtb' and a couple of other device trees. I removed them all (7 in total) and the build finally succeeded. I then created a GPT disk image, with a single FAT32 partition with my code compiled, in it. The partition started at sector 18405, so there should have been plenty space for U-Boot. I verified with gdisk that my disk image is not corrupt, so that is clearly not the problem. I tried writing U-Boot into the SD card with the instructions in https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/master/doc/README.rockchip and https://github.com/u-boot/u-boot/blob/master/doc/board/rockchip/rockchip.rst. Packaging with rockchip miniloader did kind of work, but it printed some unusual characters (Chinese or Japanese?) and a lot of diamonds with single question mark in them at the beginning, and I had to set the baud rate to 120000 to view the output properly. Using U-Boot SPL and U-Boot TPL + SPL only printed one diamond with a question mark in it. I also tried the method provided as an answer to this post, but that did not work, probably because it was for eMMC. I used this command to see if it worked: minicom -D /dev/cu.usbserial-1440 -b 115200 -o I connected my serial to USB cable as instructed in this post I am sure my board is not broken as I was able to run the official Debian image without U-Boot printing any weird characters or problems with baud rate. I wonder, if any Tinker Board engineers could share how U-Boot is built when preparing the official image. Any help is appreciated.
2 pointsI was able to update Asus's debian to latest version by adding deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free to /etc/apt/sources.list.d and then run "sudo apt update" "sudo apt upgrade" but... Disappointed with support level, Asus almost no activity, several questions not answered, software outdated etc
1 pointhello @tsukazaki, we're aiming to include this in the upcoming release and it will be supported in v.1.0.6 or later versions and here are the sources and docs for eapi: Tinker Board 3 & 3S · TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard Wiki
1 pointhello @esperal, you can check the hardware version with command: cat /proc/boardinfo
1 pointhello @t.kani, For Tinker Board 2 For Tinker Board 2 / Tinker Board 2S Method 1: Convert the logo file to 24 bit BMP file. It is recommended to use Window Paint for conversion. Note: After converting to 24 bit BMP file, the BMP file MUST be less than 700K bytes. Rename the BMP file to logo.bmp Copy logo.bmp and rename it to logo_kernel.bmp Replace logo.bmp and logo_kernel.bmp with logo.bmp and logo_kernel.bmp under sourcecode/kernel. Build kernel image and flash kernel image. Method 2: Convert the logo file to 24 bit BMP file. It is recommended to use Window Paint for conversion Note: After converting to 24 bit BMP file, the BMP file MUST less than 700K bytes. Rename the BMP file to logo.bmp Copy logo.bmp to sourcecode/kernel/scripts/ Execute the following command on the ubuntu server: ./bmpconvert logo.bmp You will see the following message after the command is successful Powering on device, and open terminal. Enter “reboot-bootloader” in terminal to enter fastboot mode Execute command to flash logo.bmp into splash partition fastboot flash splash logo.bmp
1 pointhello @Jovan, it's not possible to read the cmos battery voltage due to hardware design. the input supply voltage range cannot be read externally
1 pointHere it is : adb connect [tinker boad ethernet IP] adb root adb remount adb push MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm-20231025_200802\system\product /system adb push MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm-20231025_200802\system\system_ext /system adb push MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm-20231025_200802\system\addon.d /system adb shell pm trim-caches 128G adb reboot
1 pointhello @Jovan, was the led (led1) on while using? please check if you're able to use the adb with mask2 cap on while booting?
1 pointhello @Jovan, please remove the yellow jumper cap, and re-do the procedure (connecting tinker board 3n to the computer) again booting without the jumper cap attached so the tinker board 3n can start on uboot and the board should be in ums mode
1 pointhello @zain, here are some examples for your reference: https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknn-toolkit/tree/master/examples/mxnet/fcn_resnet101 you can also check chapter 7.15 Export a segmentation model from 02_Rockchip_User_Guide_RKNN_Toolkit_V1.7.5_EN.pdf
1 pointhello @Alexandre Baiocco, this is for tinker board (rk3288), asus.gpio is not yet supported on tinker 3n -- we're planning to support it in the next release, target 2024/02
1 pointhello @wahaha, we'll upload the codes by the end of this week, i'll leave a comment with the url once it's done. sorry for the inconvenience.
1 pointhello @haonc, i don't think this camera module is on the qualified vendor list nor been calibrated yet. i will let you know once i have more information from my colleagues.
1 pointhello @nishi and @Thinh Nguyen, you can control the vbus power through echo commands 1. check the kernel version with command: uname -a keep in mind that if you're using a usb keyboard, the power will be off immediately after you execute the echo off command. if you wish to turn it back on without reboot, please: 1. use a type c keyboard, or 2. connect tinker board to a pc with a ttys dongle so the commands can be executed from the putty console here are the commands to control the vbus power: linux4.4 debian10 (v.2.0.20 2023/07/13 and later): TypeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus TypeC port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus linux4.19 debian10 (v.2.1.16 2023/07/14 and later): TypeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/vbus TypeC port (for cc chip fusb302): echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/vbus TypeC port (for cc chip rt1715): echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type linux5.10 debian11 (v.3.0.6 2023/07/31 and later): typeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fe900000.usb/hub_vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/usb/fe900000.usb/hub_vbus TypeC port (both fusb302 & rt1715 use the same commands): echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type android12 (v.3.0.2 2023/07/13 and later): typeA port: echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/hub_vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe900000.dwc3/hub_vbus typeC port (for cc chip fusb302): echo on > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/hub_vbus echo off > /sys/kernel/debug/fe800000.dwc3/hub_vbus TypeC port (for cc chip rt1715): echo sink >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type echo dual >/sys/class/typec/port0/port_type
1 point
1 point
1 pointhello @sonyan11, i think you're able to modify uvcvideo driver to module mode through menuconfig, but tinker board 2s is not able to recognize the new module because the module driver is not updated to tinker board 2s. to update tinker board 2s' module driver, please execute these two commands in the kernel directory of the source code, make ARCH=arm64 modules make ARCH=arm64 modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH={INSTALL_PATH} and then update the \lib\modules\4.4.194\ kernel and \lib\modules\4.4.194\modules (of which from {INSTALL_PATH} ) onto tinker board 2s accordingly
1 pointhello @sathish, perhaps you can use gst-play-1.0, command: gst-play-1.0 FILE|DIRECTORY|URI [FILE2|DIRECTORY2|URI2] https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/frequently-asked-questions/using.html?gi-language=c#how-do-i-use-the-gstreamer-command-line-interface
1 pointhello @lbispo, we've verified with tinker edge t mendel os when using two cameras, both cameras can be recognised. please give it a try.
1 pointHi @tooz I'm facing an issue using the webcam inside our electron.js app. we are trying to build electrojs app and use the camera feed inside of it, but it's rendered as a black screen, and we get these errors in the console. libGL error: unable to load driver: rockchip_dri.so libGL error: driver pointer missing libGL error: failed to load driver: rockchip libGL error: unable to load driver: rockchip_dri.so libGL error: driver pointer missing libGL error: failed to load driver: rockchip do you have any idea about those errors?
1 pointto compile boot.img: source build/envsetup.shlunch WW_Tinker_Board_2-userdebug./build.sh -CKA it'll be located in directory: rockdev/Image-WW_Tinker_Board_2/
1 pointhello @kaestli, i use asus adp-33aw x, it's a pretty general one, similar to this: https://www.amazon.com/Adapter-Charger-Compatible-Vivobook-X200MA/dp/B07WC4F1J4/ref=sr_1_10?crid=1X289V37LE3ZA&keywords=adp+33aw&qid=1675320094&sprefix=adp+33a%2Caps%2C279&sr=8-10
1 pointhello @paul_nicholls, this is a tinker board '1.2' with no emmc (rk3288 based), you can download one of the images and burn it into microsd with balenaetcher android 12: Tinker Board R2.0 /Tinker Board S R2.0 Android 12 V0.0.3 debian 10: Tinker Board S R2.0 Debian 10 V3.0.11
1 pointnevermind. i solved this portion. posted the guide here for anyone who is interested: https://github.com/wahahawasabi/TinkerBoard2s
1 pointhello @kokim_gt, you will have to port and configure tw9992 driver for mipi-csi. awb_v10.c is the library that rockchip uses for awb processing and we do not have source code, something related to rockchip image processing was changed (in this case, ov5647 driver) hence why the rkisp_3a errors. both tw9992 and adb7282m convert analog video(ntsc/pal) to yuv image through mipi-csi output, such application hasn't been implemented in tinker series, as far as i know
1 pointKernel Build Questions in Tinker Edge T I installed Mendel 5 Eagle V3.0.2 on Tinker Edge T. I want to change Boot Logo of Tinker Edge T, and I want to communicate with UART device in Mendel Linux. To change the Boot Logo, Kernel must be compiled. Where can I download the kernel source for Mendel 5 Eagle V3.0.2? And, what do I need to do to communicate with the UART device in mendel linux? Guid documentation says /dev/ttymxc0 and /dev/ttymxc2 should exist, but I see /dev/ttymxc0 and /dev/ttymxc1. If /dev/ttymxc1 is checked, it is said to be incorrect. I need help with the above two. regards.
1 pointHi Nott: Can you try ?? wget https://github.com/electron/electron/releases/download/v11.2.3/chromedriver-v11.2.3-linux-arm64.zip unzip chromedriver-v11.2.3-linux-arm64.zip ./chromedriver Thanks.
1 pointhello @sonyan11, uvcvideo is compiled into the kernel, tasks that are module-related cannot be supported as uvcvideo by default is not part of the module. it's necessary to change uvcvideo to module and rebuild the image in order to make the modules work.
1 pointhello @Chridster1, thanks for the update, i'll discuss with team in terms of meta-layer releases; for the build issue, please try prebuilt gcc and see if it works: $ make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=../prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- tinker_board_2_defconfig $ make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=../prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu- rk3399-tinker_board_2.img -j8
1 pointhello @Junhyuk Oh, please revert these two changes from kernel: a11f35719c4d logo: change linux kernel logo by ADC request. 95e5b2643333 logo: Show linux logo and dump kernel log to display during system booting.
1 pointhello @hasank, we cannot reproduce the issue, but for most cases external disks without individual power supply consume a lot of power that causes connection problem. we'd suggest to use a seperate power supply for the external disk, otherwise use an usb hub with external power supply.
1 pointHi @Excel Tinker board 2 supports 3x USB 3.2 Gen 1 TYPE-A ports and 1x USB3.2 Gen 1 TYPE-C OTG port. The TYPE-A and TYPE-C ports are each in a separate USB 3.2 Gen 1 group. Since the three TYPE-A ports of Tinker Board 2 are implemented by USB HUB. When each TYPE-A port is used individually, each port can support up to 5Gbps; however, when all 3 TYPE-A ports are used simultaneously, they will share 5Gbps of bandwidth. If you have a requirement for two 5Gbps USB ports, it is recommended that you use TYPE-A and TYPE-C to implement your requirement, respectively. Thanks.
1 pointhello @hisataro, please try the following and see if the device can be found: fastboot devices if the device has been detected, you can try the reboot fastboot command otherwise, we'd suggest to re-flash the device
1 pointHi @CyberT: The config table's naming of asus gpio input and output node are for Tinker Board S. And, the packages are development by third party member(https://github.com/tinycore-hisanori/node-red-contrib-tinkeros-gpio). But, i think it is compatible with Tinker Board 2 about gpio pin number. You can replace the attachment file to /home/linaro/.node-red/node-moduels/red-contrib-tinkeros-gpio/nrgpio.sh file and asus output node would work by add sudo permission for Tinker Board 2. Please help to try and verify it. Thank a lot! nrgpio.sh
1 pointI couldn't find a complete solution to the problem but here is one way to install: sudo apt update sudo apt -y upgrade sudo apt install apache2 sudo apt install mariadb-server sudo mysql_secure_installation sudo apt install -y lsb-release ca-certificates apt-transport-https software-properties-common gnupg2 wget -qO - https://packages.sury.org/php/apt.gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt update sudo apt install php8.1 ------------------------------------------ when clogged press ctrl+z ------------------------------------------ sudo reboot sudo dpkg --configure -a sudo apt install php8.1-{bcmath,fpm,xml,mysql,zip,intl,ldap,gd,cli,bz2,curl,mbstring,pgsql,opcache,soap,cgi} sudo apt -y upgrade Apache + Mysql + Php 8.1
1 point$ sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=/home/linaro/Desktop/mmcblk1.img bs=X count=Y conv=noerror,sync [NOTE]: X means Block size; Y means Processing number of blocks. X*Y has to a little bit bigger than the resized capacity. The dd procedure needs to reserve some space to process. If the reserve space is not enough, the dd procedure would be failed. For example: For this case, the bs would be 5M and count would be 1000 and the created image size would be 5GB totally. Then the created image could be restored back to the whole storage of the next board by dd/ecther/Win32DiskImager. PS: u can follow way to rezise storage partition before u backup the image https://github.com/TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard/wiki/Developer-Guide#for-tinker-board-2s
1 pointI was a bit busy lately, but after some investigation I managed to find the reason some device trees failed to compile. I realized that "make" invokes the part that causes the error like this in a linux VM: (cat ../arch/arm/dts/rk3036-sdk.dts; echo '#include "rk3036-sdk-u-boot.dtsi"') > arch/arm/dts/.rk3036-sdk.dtb.pre.tmp; while in macOS it is invoked like this: (cat ../arch/arm/dts/rk3036-sdk.dts; echo '\#include "rk3036-sdk-u-boot.dtsi"') > arch/arm/dts/.rk3036-sdk.dtb.pre.tmp; It seems to be caused by the hash character having a special meaning in shell. I managed to fix, and here is the patch: diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.lib b/scripts/Makefile.lib index 12d1123a07..9e419a0890 100644 --- a/scripts/Makefile.lib +++ b/scripts/Makefile.lib @@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ asflags-y += $(EXTRA_AFLAGS) ccflags-y += $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) cppflags-y += $(EXTRA_CPPFLAGS) ldflags-y += $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS) + +hash = \# # # flags that take effect in sub directories @@ -308,7 +310,7 @@ quiet_cmd_dtc = DTC $@ # Modified for U-Boot # Bring in any U-Boot-specific include at the end of the file cmd_dtc = mkdir -p $(dir ${dtc-tmp}) ; \ - (cat $<; $(if $(u_boot_dtsi),echo '\#include "$(u_boot_dtsi)"')) > $(pre-tmp); \ + (cat $<; $(if $(u_boot_dtsi),echo '$(hash)include "$(u_boot_dtsi)"')) > $(pre-tmp); \ $(CPP) $(dtc_cpp_flags) -x assembler-with-cpp -o $(dtc-tmp) $(pre-tmp) ; \ $(DTC) -O dtb -o $@ -b 0 \ -i $(dir $<) $(DTC_FLAGS) \ I tested the patched version in my macOS machine and a linux VM and I was able to compile successfully in both (with appropriate KCFLAGS). Is it possible to get this merged to the main repo in GitHub? Should I open a PR?
1 pointHi @hasank Because of XAMPP's installer not provide Arm platform, is only x64 based. So that is why error. Suggests to install service stand alone to enable web server, e.g. Apache, PHP, etc Thanks.
1 pointSamba doesn't want to be installed using other dependencies as an excuse. but i solved his problem. it's ok with one command, like this: sudo apt-get install python-samba samba-common-bin samba-libs samba libwbclient0 libsmbclient
1 pointHi guys, I was wanting to change the android startup logo, there are two steps, the tinker board logo and the animated ANDROID logo, is it possible to change both? I tried following the instructions from the website:https://tinkerboarding.co.uk/wiki/index.php/Boot-logo But nothing happens, I'm doing the adb through the typeC connector, and putting the following commands: 2.2 adb root 2.3 adb remount 2.4 adb push bootanimation.zip /system/media/ 2.5 adb shell 2.6 sync 2.7 reboot 2.8 After rebooted, the logo is on the screen. All commands are performed successfully, but when rebooting the tinkerboard logo still remains, nothing happens. I created my logo in 1920x1080 resolution 24bit color bmp format, and renamed it to logo.bmp and added it to the .zip named bootanimation.zip The question is, do you need a right name for the image? what can i be doing wrong? Thanks
1 pointHi @hikaru I use Tinker2S version 2.0.0-20210413 CONFIG_USB_SERIAL_CH341=y Actually insert CH340 USBtoUART linaro@linaro-alip:~$ ls -al /dev/ttyUSB0 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 Dec ?8 04:04 /dev/ttyUSB0 If you have any questions, Please provide dmesg kernel log information. Thanks
1 pointHello, I invested over a year on this project and spent many frustrating hours getting a tablet based OS to perform like a version made for TV's. This is not a finished product, but I thought some of you may find it useful. I am not a developer and therefore cannot guarantee an issue free experience. I stepped away from the project due to getting stuck in many areas. If anyone with the skills, time and willingness to help wants to help me polish this OS...feel free to send me a PM. Without further delay, I present AvA ROM (Android Video Appliance) for Tinkerboard: Download: AvA ROM RC1 Things to know: Based on Android 7.1.2. Works best with keyboard and mouse. Plugging in wireless remotes causes severe slowdown (solution = Android TV Remote app). Shutdown/sleep doesn't work well. Should run on Tinkerboard S. Not licensed for Netflix or Disney Plus (most other apps and games work). Image is 2.46 GB in size (minimum 4GB SD card). There are workarounds for the above licensing woes, solutions are just a Google search away. I am not sure if the forum moderators will approve this post immediately, but look forward to hearing some of you got to try it out. Best regards, WrekLess.
1 pointThere's a way to install ubuntu ? i see that there are some images of tinkeros ubuntu provided by an external vendor http://www.elar-systems.com/website/index.php/entertainment/member-area/category/2-downloads but i was not able to flash with the tool on the tinker edge R, am i missing something?
1 pointHi Brian, try this: use "tinker-power-manager" or find it in "tinker-config" this command-line tool. (make sure you exec it via sudo or root)
1 pointMay i know how can I boot the OS from SD Card where the SD card is flashed with Debian OS or Ubuntu OS?
1 pointHi Pirate, For Tinker Board 2, the max loading (all connectors been connected) power is around 30W. So considering the degradation of conversion efficiency of some power supplies, we provided a conventional 19V's 45W for reference. (You can check with our user manual, https://tinker-board.asus.com/doc_tb2.html#user, page. 18.) So, if your would not connect with power-hungry USB devices, 15~20W should meet most of the usage. (without others, board only, max stress around ~10W.) And the website, it is should be the maintenance error, written too large as a reference value, which we will arrange to revision. Is 12V or 19V better? My understanding is 12V leads to more amps, so should I go 12v? --> No, 12~19V all would re convert to board used voltage, so you can just make sure the totally watt. Is it max 45W or 65W because both websites say a different thing. --> Like above, you can reference 45W or depends on real usage needs. Does anyone have a link to a compatible power supply, preferably on Amazon.ca? --> All safety compliant, and 5.5/2.5mm DC plug, 12~19V +-5% adapters should be fine. (You can find follow info from our user manual too, https://tinker-board.asus.com/doc_tb2.html#user, page. 18.) Thanks.
1 pointHi Zener, Maybe you should connect micro usb directly to power transformers to avoid booting into UMS mode. Apart from this, what is the version of the Tinker Board image? In the uart log of the release version Tinker_Board-Debian-Stretch-V2.1.16-20200813: MMC: dwmmc@ff0c0000: 1, dwmmc@ff0f0000: 0 Test MMC(0)... *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment There is no information about boot.env and boot.scr, but still can boot into kernel normally. Thanks and best regards, Frank.
1 pointIntroduction RKNN-Toolkit is a software development kit for users to perform model conversion, inference and performance evaluation on PC, RK3399Pro. AI Compute Stick or RK3399Pro Linux development board. https://github.com/rockchip-linux/rknn-toolkit/tree/v1.3.2