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Tinker Engineer
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Everything posted by tooz

  1. hello @btwin, please refer to the instruction: Developer Guide · TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard Wiki (github.com)
  2. hello @hisataro, what are the error messages/ logs? i'll check if there's anything been changed
  3. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, should be there once you repo sync if you're not using docker, run ./build.sh if you're using docker then ./docker_builder/docker-builder-run.sh build.sh
  4. hello @hisataro, updated to the developer guide, thank you for the reminder Developer Guide · TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard Wiki (github.com)
  5. hello @giseleznev, what is the os version you're using and can we have the screenshot of the aplay -l result for checking? the 'hdmi-dp-sound' is an old structure that does not exist anymore, i don't have a pisound but if its chip is pcm5102a then 'overlay=hifiberry-dac' may work. please use v.2.1.6 (debian 10, kernel 4.19) or later versioin Tinker Board 2 Debian 10 V2.1.6
  6. hello @Mahesh-BRICOM, you can use alsa to check the list of playback hardware devices with command a play -l playing music using commandline: aplay /directory/to/file reference: https://wiki.debian.org/ALSA
  7. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, these are included in the sources: TinkerBoard2/debian (github.com) please be sure to download them too
  8. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, the cause might be the build enviornment, the filesystem you're compiling kernel on has to be case-sensitive (such as ubuntu), if you're using mac os for compiling it's likely to fail. what is your build enviornment? reference: https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/5/6/1301
  9. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, please download the complete source code: execute the following command in the terminal to download source code from github: $ repo init -u https://github.com/TinkerBoard2/manifest.git -b linux4.19-rk3399-debian10 $ repo sync
  10. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, https://github.com/TinkerBoard2/docker_builder
  11. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, you need to set up the build enviornment first: Install Docker environment Uninstall old versions $ sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc Install Docker Engine – Community $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common $ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add - $ sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88 $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io $ sudo docker run hello-world Reference: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ Manage Docker as a non-root user $ sudo groupadd docker $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER $ newgrp docker $ docker run hello-world Reference: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/ Code compiling Go to the directory where you have downloaded the code base and execute the script. This will take a while to install the necessary packages on the host and build the Docker image. $ ./docker_builder/docker-builder-run.sh Once the above is done, you are in the shell of the newly started Docker container as the following. You can start to issue commands as usual. Successfully built 702bff5a9b3f Successfully tagged asus/tinker_2-linux-builder:latest Options to run docker: --privileged --rm -it --volume /DIRECTORY_PATH_TO_SOURCE:/source your_usernmae@292c696527f6:/source$ You can issue the following command to build all the images for Debian. All the images will be saved in the directory rockdev. $ ./build.sh It will generate a file which named sdboot.img and located at [source tree]/rockdev/sdboot.img Compiling u-boot/Kernel/Debian separately u-boot $ ./build.sh uboot It will generate a file which named uboot.img and located at [source tree]/u-boot/uboot.img Kernel $ ./build.sh kernel It will generate a file which named boot.img and located at [source tree]/kernel/boot.img Debian $ ./build.sh debian It will generate a file which named linaro-rootfs.img and located at [source tree]/debian/linaro-rootfs.img
  12. tooz

    sudo reboot issue

    hello @sathish, i'm not aware of this, does this happen 100/100 or once in a while? which os version are you using? are you running any application etc?
  13. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, kernel build process instruction for tinker board 2s can be found here: Developer Guide · TinkerBoard/TinkerBoard Wiki (github.com)
  14. tooz

    i2s, i2c

    hello @giseleznev, these can be found here, directory is /kernel/sound/soc/rockchip: kernel/sound/soc/rockchip at linux4.19-rk3399-debian10 · TinkerBoard2/kernel · GitHub
  15. hello @Vincent123, good to hear that the installation error's been solved and thanks for letting me know
  16. hello @mrorange, these packages are marked held by rockchip -- some packages have been modified and have to be kept in certain versions for compatibility reasons. it's not suggested to do dist-upgrade from debian repository as some functions might not work as they should be after the upgrade. however, if you must upgrade these packages, you can do it through aptitude apt-get install aptitude sudo aptitude once the caches and configs are loaded, you will see a little console, look for '---Upgradable Packages' and press g to preview; press g again to upgrade all the packages. (you will have to press return to continue during the process) once the upgrade is finished, press q to leave aptitude (as mentioned in other posts, the ldconfigs can be ignored)
  17. hello @Vincent123, i haven't tried installing docker on debian 9, which version of tinker os and what's the error you're seeing?
  18. tooz

    How to use I2S

    hello @Poko-san, which dac are you using? also i would suggest to use the latest os version for testing: https://tinker-board.asus.com/download-list.html?product=tinker-board-2s#download20220926
  19. tooz

    How to use I2S

    hello @Poko-san, i've made a simple tutorial video: (in this video, i use 'justboom dac hat', but not all dac hats are compatible, please check before use) prerequisites: -tinker board 2s -a dac that's compatible with tinker board 2s steps: 1. check the supported dtb with command $ ls /boot/overlays/ 2. edit overlay with command (last line of the .txt, in this example it's overlay=justboom-dac) $ sudo vim /boot/config.txt 3. save the modified .txt esc+shift+: wq 4. turn off tinker board 2s 5. insert the dac 6. power on tinker board 2s 7. check if the dac is recognized with command $ aplay -l 8. use volume control to adjust volume, there's a build in media player, in this example i've downloaded and used rhythmbox ( https://debian.org/Rhythmbox ) please note: 1. check the compatibility before use 2. the 40-pin gpio header gets damaged very easily with unnecessary ic contacts, please be very careful when connecting the dac to tinker board 2s
  20. the bootflow of tinker board 2s is different from tinker board and editingi /extlinux.conf will not work on tinker board 2s
  21. hello @sathish, if you'd like to change it permantly, you can use systemd-timesync only and remove ntp enable systemd-service first: sudo systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd.service remove disable-with-time-daemon.conf as it's causing dependency conflict: rm /lib/systemd/system/systemd-timesyncd.service.d/disable-with-time-daemon.conf disable/ stop ntp: sudo systemctl stop ntp sudo systemctl disable ntp you can check the result with timedatectl reference: https://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg1800695.html
  22. hello @ethan, it might be a power supply issue if the led is flashing, please make sure you're using an adapter that provides sufficient power Power Connector (up to 65W) 1 x 12~19V DC Power Input Jack (5.5/2.5mm) 1 x 12~19V 4-pin DC Power Input Header it might be worth trying to flash os to another sd card, put it into tinker edge r (once flashing is done) connect it to nothing but windows pc and see if it enters ums mode -- it would be great if you could record the issue so we can have a closer check
  23. tooz

    First Flash Fails

    if you see 'flash has failed' you will need to remove the jumper and try reflash again
  24. connect tinker edge r to pc with type c cable, make sure the jumper is inserted before booting. to check whether tinker edge r is in maskroom mode, open device manager and look for 'rock usb devices'
  25. hello @ethan, does the issue persist without having the quectel ec25-af module installed? i made a short video on how to flash tinker edge r with balena etcher for your reference:
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